Favorite Pencil

In my YouTube feed, I spotted this really fun video from Adam Savage – on his favorite pencil. Which, it so happens, is actually my favorite pencil.

There’s a bit of filler at the beginning, IMO. So I’d say jump to about 5 minutes in to get to the nerdy heart of the video.

I love that he does informal tests between the various versions of the pencil. I think it’s safe to say I have a certain obsession with this particular pencil, but Savage takes this to another level. And I think it’s fantastic.

Side note: I wonder how much of this color change is due to sensation transference. I’m used to that concept as part of a thing you (physically) consume, but can it also apply to non-consumable items as well? It appears so.

The Papermate Compulsion
New Tropicana Packaging, Malcolm Gladwell and Sensation Transference
So… Does This Make Me a Freak?

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. As a Blackwing user, I’m glad to see Adam give Blackwing a shoutout. It’s also great how he gives his honest opinion about Blackwings. He favors the Paper Mate SharpWriter 2.

    I wonder if he realizes they come in a variety of colors. Green, cyan, blue, red, orange (and of course yellow)

    Matt Maldre Reply

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