The Weepies: Gotta Have You
On my runs, I’ve tried to keep a pretty relaxed pace. And the soundtrack to these last few weeks has actually been from The Weepies, and their album Say I Am You.
On my previous attempts at running, I took it on as a kind of adversarial task. I was trying to grind out the run, I was trying to endure the act of running.
My prior attempts/experiences with running were basically: run and keep running, for as long as you can. Try to ignore any pain or discomfort, and just push through it to keep running. My soundtrack reflected this.
Needless to say, I really didn’t care much for running.
I’ve been just trying to go slow. And have kept at a pretty good pattern for the last few weeks (it helps that Liz is in training, and I just always make it a point to go running whenever she goes running).
So far? Slow and steady. Not sure I’m going to be winning any races, but it’s a start.
The Weepies: Living in Twilight
Couch to 5K: Soundtrack Changes
The Weepies: Nobody Knows Me At All
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