The Light in the Living Room

The living room has undergone some of the most significant, recent changes in our house. We took our the original windows a long, long while ago… and just recently got our new windows installed.
We also pulled up the masonite off the floor, to reveal our actual wood flooring in this room.
Today, I walked by… and was just awed at the light coming in our windows. And struck by how lovely this room looked.
We’re still a ways from transitioning from a construction site to an actual home, but for a brief moment… the light coming in made me forget about all the tools and sawdust and work awaiting us in the rest of the house. If just for a moment.
A Clear View
Living Room Windows, Install
Masonite, Revisited
First Floor: Varnish 1
First Floor: First Floor: Staining
First Floor, Final Cleanup
New Floor Install, Day 1
First Floor Leveling, Day 1
Living Room Floor Demo, Day 1
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