Back Office Demo: Floor Removal Begins

Recently, we started to demo the back office. The goal here in this room is to actually split it in two: add a wall in the middle, with the North half designed to be an extended closet… and the South half the eventual start of our larger bathroom.

Essentially, we’re sacrificing a bedroom, and converting it into a closet + bigger bathroom.

An interesting tidbit: Liz looked up a lot of census data related to our house, and found a lot of individuals (with differing last names), all registered to this house/location.

Her theory is that the homeowners split up the top floor into smaller rooms, specifically with the intent to rent them out (to help bring in income). Which is why so many of these second floor rooms were so small.

With a lot of the demo and cleanup done, what remained was removing some of the non-structural joists. Here, I removed a lot from the area (on the left) that will eventually open up into our bedroom.

Removed the closet frame. Of note: to add a closet to this room, the prior homeowners simply slapped a door across the corner of the room, at a diagonal. This wasn’t so much of a closet, as it was a triangle behind a door.

Removed the frame, and also started to open up the floor a little bit.

Sunday Office Demo

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