Arrival Day

Didn’t end up taking any photos today. A fairly uneventful kind of day, all in all. Liz and I continued to work remotely. By mid-afternoon, I left to run some last minute errands (day before Thanksgiving, trying to hit stores before they close). Liz has been super busy with work, and basically worked a full day.

The previous days, we’ve been at the lakehouse on our own. And today, the rest of the family is rolling in. Tricia left Georgia early in the morning, and had a multi-hour delay en route. Kirt arrived at the lakehouse mid-day… but then left to go pick up Tricia at the airport in Grand Rapids.

For dinner, we all met up at the Handsome Hobo. A tip: they do have scotch whisky at the bar, and their prices are incredibly reasonable for a single. On top of that: their bartenders have amazing pitching arms, as their singles are more like doubles.

We had a late dinner, got caught up (with a lot of running and marathon talk), and were back at the house a short while later. Around 10:30/11PM, Anne and Grace rolled in. And Jackson eventually rolled in somewhere in the 1/2AM window.

Most everyone was tired from travel, and we all called it an early night. Resting up for a big day of eating, tomorrow.

Deer and Beer
Early Morning Departure

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