Thanksgiving in Whitehall, 2024

I was going to say that today was a lazy kind of day, but it didn’t quite start off that way. Liz and I had planned to do a short run and Tricia ended up joining us.

Tricia’s been running a lot this year, and is planning on taking a break from running so that her feet can heal fully (a year or more, actually). But the fact that she came running with us was pretty great, and we all got wrapped up for the cold.

Of course, Tricia being injured… she was still schooling us with her speed. Liz and I were consistently far behind her, and while we had a few windows to catch up while she was walking… we never really did.

A new goal for myself: run at an injured Tricia pace.

We only did 3 miles, but there was a chill in the air. But it felt nice to be out and about, regardless.

When we got back home, Kirt was getting ready to do a bit of yard work before breakfast. A tree had fallen down on the neighbor’s property, and he was also looking to clear out a lot of fallen leaves.

Tricia and I, both dressed for the outdoors and still sweaty from the run, decided that we might as well help out some. She offered to tackle the leaves, and I offered to help with the tree.

Kirt, getting Tricia set up with the leaf blower. Which to me, looks like some kind of rapid-fire machine gun. And also, let’s be honest with the backpack, a Ghostbusters proton-pack.

Here’s a video of Tricia getting set up, with Kirt giving some advice. In which he says the most dad thing ever, of “Sometimes less is more.”

For the downed tree, Kirt had a small chainsaw. While I’ve used one before, I got a bit of a primer as well.

Tricia, working on the leaves.

Looking to the neighbor’s property, just South of us. A lot more leaves, and a downed tree.

Cutting up some of the tree for firewood. The rest, we left as large logs and threw back into the woods.

Tree mostly broken up and relocated. Tricia and Kirt in the background.

Back in the kitchen, getting in a very late breakfast.

Hanging out and catching up.

Fast forward a few hours, and some last-minute trips to Meijer’s and the White Duck for supplies.

As the day slid into evening, more and more people moved into the kitchen to prep and work on our Thanksgiving meal. Kirt, getting a bottle of wine opened up for the process.

I have to say – the kitchen was a scene of utter chaos. And I absolutely loved it. People moving around, jostling, yelling for space and help. A bustle of activity and collisions and it was just so glorious to witness.

You may gauge the holidays on the meals that are served. But for me, the pleasure and measure of it is in the preparation. A house is full of love when its kitchen is full with motion.

Turkey, cranberry, mashed potatoes.

I didn’t get a group shot of the table, but took this one before everyone sat down. It looks like Liz is impatient to eat, and is just waiting for everyone to settle so she can start.

My view of the dinner table.

Post-dinner we had several rounds of Monikers, which has fast become a family favorite.

I purchased the game Wavelength a while back… but never had the chance to actually try playing it until tonight. After several rounds of Monikers, I broke it out… and it went over pretty well!

It’s less of a game, and more of a kind of conversation starter in many wys. But after explaining the rules and process… everyone got it fairly quickly, and we had some really fun discussions/rounds.

Thanksgiving in Whitehall, 2023

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