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About the Project
This project is an extension of an old Flash experiment of mine called Fast Forward 2003. I originally got the idea after importing my photos into Picasa, and watching thumbnails of each image flash by. Seeing that mini-movie, I decided a larger, sped-up version would be pretty neat to view.

And, truth be told, the nerd in me at the time was also thinking about Flash Gordon - namely, the scene where they're probing Dr. Hans Zarkov and all his memories zoom by on a computer screen. :D

At the end of the day, I intended for this project to be a sort of summary - an accounting for how I spent my time. While there's a lot that happens within a year, a year goes by faster than we realize.

I wanted to portray both sensations, the density and rapidity of it all. I hope this little movie came close to capturing that feeling.
About the Music
Guitarist: Scott Fox
Song: Pain in the Elbow
Album: Dan Frick with Caterwaul Morning

The song playing in the background of the movie appears on an album by my friend, Dan Frick.

You can download the mp3 for free from his website, and check out some of his other tracks there as well.

I'm a big fan of Dan's music, and his song "Astronaut" is one of my favorites. If you enjoyed the little bit you heard in the movie, definitely swing on by danfrickmusic.com and give a listen. I dig his music a lot, and want other people to as well.
About the Author
My name is Felix Jung, and I've been documenting every day of my life since July, 2002.

Why, you ask? Well, partly because I had just quit smoking at the time, and partly because all I was doing all week was working, cooking dinner, and sleeping. I started keeping track of how lame my life was, so I could force myself out of my own introversion/routines.

I like poetry. I like computers. I like Scotch. Not necessarily in that order.

I take a lot of photos, many of which find their way over to my blog. While I'm not what you would call a professional photographer, every once in a while something good happens.

I live in Chicago, where I work as a Flash developer. I feel particularly lucky because I love my job and I love my coworkers. The more I talk with people about their jobs, the luckier I feel.

In my spare time I like to make little Flash experiments and, on a good day, write a few poems.