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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is this *really* three years' worth of pictures?

A: Yup! There might have been some frames that got dropped in QuickTime, but I took all the photos from 2003, 2004 and 2005, exported them out into three image sequences, and made the movie. I removed a few here and there, but for the most part it's every single image.


Q: Did you know this thing is actually longer than 3 minutes? And that it's more like 3 minutes, 30 seconds?

A: You need to stop trying to spoil my good time. Just for that, I'm going to call you Spoily McSpoilerson from now on.


Q: How many photos are in this thing?

A: Good question, Spoily! A grand total of 11,896 images were used. Broken down by year it's 3,823 photos for 2003, 4,112 photos for 2004 and 3,961 photos for 2005.

If I've hung out with you in the past three years, more likely than not you're somewhere in this video.


Q: I love the soundtrack! What's the name of the song? Where can I get a copy of it?

A: The song is called "Pain in the Elbow," and it's played by Scott Fox. The song appears on an album by my friend Dan Frick, who is a great musician and makes some great songs.

You can download this track at danfrickmusic.com, and check out some additional songs as well. Swing by and give him a listen!


Q: Dude, I love your movie!

A: Thank you very much. While that's not techincally a question... I appreciate the enthusiasm!
Less Frequently Asked Questions
Q: At the end of the movie, what's that thing you're holding up?

A: It's a shot of Nyquil. At the end of 2003, I got pretty sick and stayed in for New Year's. A lot of my holiday vacation that year involved staying inside and sweating under a lot under blankets. In the bad way.


Q: Did I see a frame in the movie where you're sitting next to a blow-up sex doll?

A: You saw nothing.


Q: Who's the baby at the begining of the movie?

A: That would be my beautiful niece Jasmine, who is the cutest baby ever.


Q: Can I get a larger version of one of the photos in the movie?

A: Possibly. If you send me a message and describe the image, I can probably track down the day it appeared on my blog.

No promises on a high-res version, but I'll see what I can do.