July 9, 2024
Was out in front of the house, when I spotted these two bold buddies on the sidewalk. I froze up a bit, encountering these street toughs, a bit unsure of my own safety and well-being.
Whenever rival gangs like this meet up, I never know what to expect. Knives? Gunplay? Some kind of dance off contest, for control of the block?
July 7, 2024
It’s nice to know that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Take this Wisteria, which we noticed sometime last year in 2023.
It was just a wee thing back then, but had just started to branch out (see what I did there).
July 5, 2024
So interestingly, the work in the neighbor’s backyard has stopped. There was a lot of machinery out here for a while, but things got packed up and relocated.
July 1, 2024
At some point while we were away in Georgia, someone painted and placed this lovely, yellow ladybug stone by our birdbath. We didn’t see it at first, but there it was… resting on a brick, in our front yard.
June 28, 2024
Shower is done!
When we left Georgia in June, Sergio was still finishing up the tile work for the shower.
June 27, 2024
Still though, nature finds a way. We very much seem to have a group of bold backyard bunnies.
June 26, 2024
Sometimes, if your head is in the clouds… that’s exactly where it’s supposed to be.
June 22, 2024
Post-meal, we got some drinks and hung out a bit with Jake. Nice chance to see some old friends, and to do a bit of catching up.
June 21, 2024
We’re still a ways from transitioning from a construction site to an actual home, but for a brief moment… the light coming in made me forget about all the tools and sawdust and work awaiting us in the rest of the house. If just for a moment.
June 20, 2024
The silly thing – it’s crazy busy right now, so it’s just been sitting here. Waiting. I need to port over all my old data/configurations, and just haven’t had the time. So I’ve got a new laptop. And one of these days, I actually need to get it up and running.
June 19, 2024
Excited to see La Boulangerie is opening up here. We enjoyed them in Logan Square, and love the trend of Logan Square businesses appearing here in Hyde Park.
While it’s been better for me to not have easy access to croissants and breakfast pastries, I’m excited all the same.
June 17, 2024
Enclosed bike parking. I know bicycle theft is probably terrible downtown, and perhaps even worse near the hospital. But in all my years in Chicago, I’ve never seen something like this – structures that appear to be cryogenic sleep chambers for your ride.
June 15, 2024
Back in 2021, Liz got a new desk,/. Or rather, a new old desk. Something that was from an old school chemistry lab.
It was in the house for a long while, and we set it up as Liz’s work desk for a while.
June 14, 2024
That’s… a lot of bottles. In addition to offerings from Arran, tonight we were also able to try out several bottles from Lagg (a recent/new distillery from Arran, that was built on the south side of the Isle of Arran).
June 13, 2024
Windmills in the distance, getting closer to home.