
Cold Run, Snow Men

And in a remarkable Goofus and Gallant moment, we spotted this guy nearby. Sculpted, formed, almost an art installation.

You can almost hear him asking: “Why am I here? Why am I out here in the cold?”

You said it, buddy. You said it.


Storage Room Shuffle

You would think that there might be some clerical update that could happen, that would just allow us to change things on paper. But you would be WRONG. To get a better monthly rate, we had to sign a new contract, and physically move our stuff, from one unit to another.

I cannot emphasize how dumb this is/was. I get it, to some degree. But the storage unit company seemed determined that I exercise, and haul each and every box to a new unit. And so that’s what we did today.


Chicago at Night

Most days, going to and from work – I’m in a rush. I’m rushing to get to work; I’m rushing to get back home.

Every once in a while, if I get lucky, I’ll see something that slows me down. Or I’ll remember that I should slow down a little.

It’s been a long while since I’ve carried a camera around. But with a camera in your hand, that weight is what serves as a reminder. That weight says: “Wait a minute, just… wait a minute. Did you see that over there?”


I Need You to Find Me

Spotted this on the way to work, at a Hyde Park Metra station. It was… disconcerting, to say the least.

I take some small comfort that the design (and message) seems to have been written in ketchup (I saw a lot of empty packets around). But still – jarring, nonetheless.


Venn Duckagram

In 2016, Ed Brims spent a lot of time reading Beatrix Potter books to his 2-year old. From there, he started to map out all the recurring characters, to determine if they all lived in the same “universe,” so to speak.

He mapped things out, and then began drawing a diagram that ultimately looks remarkably like Jemima Puddle-Duck.


Tiny Drams

I think I’ve told this story a few times by now: my initial understanding of a “Driver’s Dram” was completely incorrect – and idiotic. When going to distilleries and attending tastings, for those participants who are drivers… the distilleries bottle up their whisky into take-away bottles, named “Driver’s drams.”

It didn’t quite click in my brain that this process was designed for the driver to consume them later, after everyone had gotten home and… you know… no longer driving.

To me, a “Driver’s Dram” meant that anyone who was a driver would just get smaller portions during the tasting. Because… they were driving.



“Why do people always choose saturdays
to wig out
I mean the ones who scream leave me alone
i hate your guts”



Browsing around, I’m realizing that I no longer have a sense of what a good (or modern) site looks like. Responsiveness, sure. But just in terms of style or feel, I don’t think I’ve got a clue.

Browsing around, a lot of the themes I’m coming across seem incredibly dated. And for me to think that, that’s saying something.

So I guess this is where I’m at: an ache for something new, and in inability to determine what new looks like.


Catching Up

I’m happy to say, I was able to go back over that time period, and got a lot of updates added. If you want to take a peek, the posts start at the end of March, and go through mid-June. Lots of great stuff to browse through, if I do say so myself.


Hoppy New Year

We’re spending a low-key, relaxed night at home for New Year’s eve. Had the chance to grab this photo of the bunnies, and decided it would be good to share.

Hoppy New Year, everyone!