November 30, 2023
So here’s an interesting thing: with the majority of my food ordering done online, or through an app, the chances of someone misspelling my name has dropped dramatically.
Recently though, when I’ve been driving to work… I’ve stopped at a Starbucks along the way. I haven’t quite gotten to adding the location to my app… and don’t have the timing down just yet. So I’ve been going in and ordering my breakfast in person, like a schnook.
November 29, 2023
I imagine Hugo quietly practicing what he’ll need to do, when he decides to head out on the road and hitchhike across the country. Also imagining a line of cars screeching to a halt on seeing this exquisite leg, and car doors opening to offer him a ride.
November 28, 2023
While we were in Michigan, Bob was able to install both windows in our bedroom. It’s a bit mind-boggling to me, when I imagine how much he must have had to go up/down the scaffold for this – but we arrived home to see our bedroom in an entirely new light – quite literally so.
November 27, 2023
Stopped in to pick up Daisy and Hugo, at Liz Rench’s place. While there, I got the chance to visit with some very small and very adorable baby bunnies.
November 26, 2023
It’s funny – a notable memory of the Whitehall Lakehouse is our drive from Chicago in 2022, which involved a lot of snow. I guess this is the other side of that coin, with snow on our way back home.
November 25, 2023
I’m in awe, and I haven’t even step foot inside any building yet.
November 24, 2023
A bit later on in the evening. I realized I hadn’t gotten any photos of Sandy, who continues to be the best dog ever. For a good part of our stay, she was curled up in her bed in front of the fireplace. Which, let’s be honest… if I could get away with doing something like that, I’d do that all week long.
November 23, 2023
Kirt, with the turkey out of the oven. Here, he’s removing a layer of salt that was placed on the turkey, which formed a kind of outer coating/shield during the cooking process.
November 22, 2023
“This person would be an animal.
This animal would be large, at least as large
as a workhorse. It would chew cud, like cows,
having several stomachs.”
November 21, 2023
Today, after work, we made it a point to throw on our coats and head out. Liz had run a few errands earlier in the day, and the overall temps were fairly mild. She described it as a “very Fall day,” and so we decided to take advantage.
November 20, 2023
It’s an odd thing, as Liz is 100% remote and I’m doing a hybrid thing (remote, two days in the office). So the fact that we’re “remote remote,” and away from our actual house seems… immaterial. Remote is remote, after all.
November 19, 2023
I had a few casseroles growing up, but this recipe is something I’ve gotten a taste for after meeting Liz. We don’t tend to make it that often (I say we, but it’s her). But it’s always a treat when we do. Very much in the “comfort food” column.
November 18, 2023
It should be noted: at this point in the day, I’ve had two naps. And would eventually have another, in the late evening. I think both of us were very low on sleep, and given the opportunity… seem to have had some catching up to do.
November 17, 2023
Last year when we made the trek to Michigan for Thanksgiving, there was an unseasonable amount of snow that made our travels difficult. This year, we left a bit earlier in the day… aiming to get our travels done while the sun was up.
November 16, 2023
A quick tech segue/reminder: gmail ignores special characters. So for my email (which is… if you insert a space anywhere in that address… I’ll still receive it. I’ve gotten a lot of email for And if you write a message and send it to… I’ll also get that too.