
ChatGPT: Plugins and Browsing, but no Code Interpreter (Yet)

Found out today that I’ve actually got access to the Browsing and Plugin features, for ChatGPT. Tried out a few things, and ended up asking it about the type of content on my site/blog. The answer was… fine. Not great, but a decent summary of the most recent posts. But the thing I’ve been most excited about… I still don’t…


Hugo vs. the Tunnel

Hanging out with the bunnies tonight, I caught Hugo getting a little aggressive with the tunnel. I’m not sure if he was just bored (probably), but he really went at this thing… more than I’ve seen him in a while.


House Day: Plants and Furnace

Late in the evening, Liz was finishing out the day power washing some of the planters that sit at the base of our front steps.

I can’t help myself: every time I break out the pressure washer, it feels to me like I’m putting together a sniper rifle. And soon after, anytime I see it being used… I hear the “pew pew” sounds in my head. I’m a five year old.


Belated Birthday Dinner at Balmoral

Interesting tidbit 1: I think a while ago, Liz got to meet Joe for the first time at this very restaurant. And it’s also where she got to taste different scotch whiskies that were outside of the peaty/smoky realm. And I daresay that’s when she got the spark to start exploring scotch whisky a lot more, and started going down her sherry bomb phase.


Evening Bunny

When I got near the front yard, I paused… and saw this guy also paused. Somewhat looking over his shoulder at me, warily.

I felt like I was blocking his access to the backyard, and tried to make a wide berth. He seemed like he was waiting for me to move away a little.


Getting a Head

A fun thing about being downtown in the “early” morning (this was circa 8:30 AM)… you get to see all manner of folks setting up for the day.


Found Nestling

We knew it was close, but couldn’t quite tell where. On looking around in our neighbor’s backyard, we eventually found this little guy.


Yard Work, Interior Work

House day today – Liz was working in the yard, and I was inside helping Bob (who was working on our AC/HVAC).

I started the day with a run to Lowe’s to pick up several bags of mulch. But after that, I mostly shot between inside/outside, trying to help out where I could. In both places, Liz and Bob were the primary folks doing the work… and I just tried to assist as best I could.



Liz and I were on a walk to pick up some dinner, tonight. Along the way, we spotted some Wisteria that had stretched out from a nearby yard over the sidewalk.