
Where is Everybody? Probably Hill Valley

Over lunch this week, I pulled up the first episode, “Where is Everybody?” It’s a classic, and though it’s some 64 years old now… I’m still going to try to avoid any spoilers.

All you really need to know is that the main character, Mike Ferris, finds himself in a town that is uninhabited. Despite his explorations, as well as numerous signs of life (a lit cigar, a pot of coffee boiling on a stove)… he’s unable to come across another human being.


Courage and Conviction

Interesting note: Virginia is a control state, which means that the state handles the sale of liquor/spirits (while wine and beer are handled by other retailers). There are Virginia ABC stores all over, and the two that we visited were incredibly clean and had an impressive selection.


Liz’s Birthday 2023, Day 6: Hiking Mary’s Rock Summit and Byrd’s Nest #3 in Shenandoah, Shopping in Downtown Luray, Walking the Grounds at Glen Gordon Manor, Dinner at Houndstooth

I’m not great with heights, but I was mostly ok the whole time were on the summit. As I was looking out, I saw all this green… and it registered like a wide swath of rolling meadows and fields.

After staring a bit, it would slowly dawn on me that the green I was seeing was not grass… but in fact the actual tops of trees. And on suddenly realizing how high up we were, my knees then immediately turned to jelly.


Liz’s Birthday 2023, Day 5: Copper Fox Distillery, Dinner and Ice Cream in Front Royal, Driving Through Shenandoah National Park at Night

Despite the late night illness last night, Liz was up fairly early. We had looked into a nearby distillery, and discussed going on one of their tours (11AM)… but I figured this was out, given how Liz was sick overnight.

But come 9:30 AM, she was up and ready. And we started to scramble, to try to get breakfast and make our way to the distillery (which was around 30 minutes away).


Liz’s Birthday 2023, Day 4: Hiking Rose River Falls and Dark Hollow Falls in Shenandoah, Dinner at Watch and Warrant, and an Unexpected Illness

The Dark Hollow Falls. Though there were a few other folks here also enjoying the view… Liz nad I were able to scramble up some rocks, and found ourselves a nice little nook alongside the waterfall.

We were close enough to enjoy things directly, but also enough out of the way that we didn’t feel like we were blocking others from photos, or from enjoying the view of the falls. It was as ideal spot.


Threading the Storm

On our way out, we seemed to perfectly hit this stretch where we were threading the edge of a storm. Not quite in it, not quite out of it. It wasn’t so much that we were running from the storm, as running alongside it.


Backyard Prep

Liz was doing some backyard prep work. The weather has been warmer than usual, earlier than usual… and she felt that putting some mulch down in back seemed appropriate. But incredibly early, compared to prior years.