
Darlingside: Extra Life

One of the songs that Darlingside performed (as an encore) was Extra Life. It’s funny because recently… I’ve been listening to this album more. But I’ve taken to skipping this song, so that I can get to the second track, Singularity.


Coding Day

Spent the whole day (and I mean the whole day) working a fun, new side project. It felt great to get so immersed, and to spend this much time working on a thing that I was enjoying and having fun with.

It’s… it’s been a while.


Found Elmo

We took a trek down 55th, around Nichols Park. And on the way home, spotted Elmo just kind of… hanging out. I’m still not quite sure what to make of this: whether he got here of his own volution, or if he’s been strung up here after some street toughs accosted him.


Daisy, Sleeping

The flop at the end of the video is icing on the cake. We’ve rarely seen Daisy over on her side like this, so it’s a testament to how comfortable she must have gotten. I will say – it makes me a little nervous, seeing how much she’s been sleeping lately.


Brent Hull: Victorian Interior Millwork

Lately, I’ve been looking up trim videos online. And one of the topics was trying to better understand how our old trim was used in the house (our home is from 1885). I came across this really informative video from Brent Hull, and found it incredibly fascinating. Before I knew it, I had watched the whole thing.


A Saturday of House Work

Part of the challenge: in addition to figuring out our actual linear feet needed, we’ve been trying to figure out how this breaks down into set length boards (10′, 12′, 14′, 16′). Trying to order enough material so that we can account for mistakes or problems, but trying not to order too much material where we’re just wasting money with excessive cutoffs.


Wild Rivers: Rolling Stone

“I’m the right taste to the wrong bite
I’m a lover mostly when the time is right
I’m my own rule, I’m a coward, I’m a fool
I’m a builder but I cannot tear apart”


Trim Logic

This weekend, Liz and I have been revisiting the trim we want to order. We’ve gone through this process a few times, and have finally landed on a vendor… but still need to do some work on figuring out just how much material we need.