
A Few Days a Week

The blog is a weird animal. Part of it is a personal diary, part of it is like a very large notebook of things I want to just save for some future reference or reflection. I don’t even know how many people still have blogs anymore.

Once all the rage in the early 2000’s, I feel like the act of sharing one’s personal life has continued and grown – but fractured into smaller, more consumable pieces of media. A tweet, an Instagram photo, a TikTok video.


Against the Storm

The gameplay is a bit mesmerizing, and I find a kind of hypnotic appeal to the constant building and re-building of structures and roads, clearing out trees and setting up trade routes. Is it weird to say that it feels somewhat calming?


Looming Layoffs

The warnings of pending layoffs (particularly in the tech sector) have been in the news lately. A lot of big name companies have, or are planning to cut costs by letting employees go.

Amazon has said it would be looking to lay off 18,000 people; Meta (Facebook’s parent company) is looking to reduce its workforce by 13% (around 11,000 people).


Daisy is Hard Down

Liz and I have a silly saying that we use, whenever we see that Daisy is fast asleep. If we can tell she’s really out sleeping, we’ll say “She’s hard down!”


Sprice Machines: Ice Cream Server

I want to argue that Cog (which came out in 2003) was one of the first “viral” Rube Goldberg machines to make the rounds on the Internet. Which was no small feat back then, since it would be another 3 years until YouTube came to be.


A Bit of Caution

There’s actually two banks of elevators, but the vestibule area was cordoned off for some reason. The elevators were still working, but you could only enter them from the outside.

Peering into the vestibule area, every elevator door was criss-crossed with caution tape. It made taking the elevators feel really, really dicey.


Big Basement Reorg, Day 3

Basement reorg done! The masonite is going to stay, because Liz needs some floor protection for when she’s stripping/refinishing wood. And also for any impromptu breakdancing competitions that might happen.