January 2, 2023
We’ve had a few days to decompress and just rest/relax/loaf. And today, we decided to suit up and put a little time into some house work. The basement has been super neglected for a long time, and one of Liz’s goals for our holiday break was to do some serious reorganization.
January 1, 2023
This started with a trip to Chinatown with my friend Alex, back in 2003. And I’m happy to say I’ve kept it up since then, with over 200 good days that I’ve shared.
December 31, 2022
The thing of it is, as I was getting my keys made using the machine… I turned around, and saw the guy (at the key duplication stand) staring at me. It got uncomfortable, so I turned away.
I’m not sure why Home Depot would set something like this up, positioning both stations so close to one another. It felt really awkward. When I looked at the guy, his eyes seemed to say to me “Why are you taking food out of the mouths of my children?”
December 30, 2022
to Merrilville… to hang out with Julie and Bob, and Katie and Tim’s family. We had a big dinner planned, with folks arriving in the afternoon for drinks and gift exchanges.
December 29, 2022
We arrived at the show separately, and offered to drive everyone back to the hotel. We had to scrunch, but were able to pack everyone in. Jackson took the hit, and agreed to hop into the trunk – with the rest of us ignoring this clear act of child endangerment.
December 28, 2022
In a slight twist this year, Liz’s dad’s family is visiting us in Chicago for the holidays. Talking, Liz and I decided that an outing with just Grace and Jackson would be a fun time (and would allow Kirt and Anne a bit of alone time).
December 27, 2022
One of my gifts was a new board game: Mandala. I came across this review of the game by Quinns, on Shut Up and Sit Down.
December 26, 2022
Part of my gift to Liz: three different bottles from Darkness, a bottler that specializes in Sherried Octave casks.
December 25, 2022
Jahnu, showing off the custom socks he got (featuring a photo of Kaya on the socks).
Note to self: next year, take this photo and print them on a new pair of socks. Repeat for the next 30 years.
December 24, 2022
I have vague memories of playing as a kid. And the sound of Mahjong tiles clacking together is something I hear, when imagining my grandmother’s house on the South Side of Indy. But while I think I know the rules, I never learned them officially.
December 23, 2022
We were thinking about using an upcoming weekend day to just relax and make cookies. But looking at our remaining time and our progress in the hallway, we realized we had more work and less free time than we anticipated.
So tonight, we made cookies. Or rather – everyone else made cookies, and I watched them. Liz brought a few recipes and was working on Oatmeal cookies and Sugar cookies.
December 22, 2022
One prompt in particular stands out. It was: “Politely tell your kidnapper that you need to go to the bathroom.” I forget who gave this answer, but the phrase “juice break” came up. And for the rest of the night (and the rest of our visit), that became a kind of in-joke that we kept going.
December 21, 2022
This year, we’re spending a bit more time in Indy. We missed out on Xmas with my family last year, so we wanted to take a few more days with them this year.
December 20, 2022
“An adolescent creature,
consumed with how it seems,
and lost within the hunger for belonging.
Sleep my child,
the world is ever wanting.”
December 19, 2022
Known for its custom messages, the two of us argued about how the messages were “created.” Liz felt that it was a more manual process (turning on specific office lights by hand), and I was convinced it had to be a more automated one (involving a central computer or laptop that handled everything).