September 12, 2022
In true form, Liz and I both nearly forgot our wedding anniversary. It was just a few days ago that I burst into the bedroom, exclaiming that our 13th wedding anniversary was coming up… and Liz’s response was “I forgot!”
We’re a good match.
September 11, 2022
So, a few things to note here. First, as an employee of Grubhub, I get $50 in credit, per week, to use for ordering food. It used to be $35 per week a few years ago, but during the pandemic the amount got upped to $50.
If you don’t use your allocation before midnight on Sunday, it gets rolled into a donation fund… and then you’re issued another $50 on Monday. Something of a “use it or lose it” kind of thing.
September 10, 2022
A work day today that mostly comprised of a lot of “smalls.” No big, singular tasks that take the entire day – a combination of small little things, here and there.
September 9, 2022
At 5PM today, Liz and I tried to make a concerted effort to walk away from our desks and actually do something other that work.
September 8, 2022
“I’m afraid of heights
And you’re afraid of snakes
For once I’ve no fear of falling
As you coil in a defensive state
Won’t you tell me, dear
Do you fear to reciprocate?”
September 7, 2022
Mingle is a delightfully simple and delightfully satisfying game by cookiecrayon. The controls are simple, and once you start… it’s difficult to stop until you finish.
September 6, 2022
Things were going ok this time, but a bit more dominance issues getting worked out. Mr. Bubbles is still a pretty young bunny, and technically was neutered not too long again.
Given how excitable he was tonight, we’re thinking of delaying the next bonding session for a few days… and see if he doesn’t settle down a bit more.
September 5, 2022
With Daisy and Mr. Bubbles next to one another, we could tell they were anxious to hang out again. Daisy could sense someone new was around (though her eyesight probably prevented her from seeing). And Mr. Bubbles was definitely showing an interest in Daisy and her pen.
September 4, 2022
We got some time with Mr. Bubbles, and Liz entered in to mediate the bonding session. Things went very positively, and we felt really good about their encounter – so much so that we decided to make it official.
September 3, 2022
Today was pretty huge. After all that digging, and clearing out all that space under the deck… to have this unit officially running was really amazing. Truly, a major milestone for us at the house.
September 2, 2022
We’ve had a few more bonding sessions with Daisy and Carmelita this week. Things seemed to start off positively (the two were really great with one another, at Liz Rench’s house). But the last few sessions took a turn, where Carmelita has gotten a lot more aggressive.
September 1, 2022
I was in the office today (a rare occassion). Took a meeting in a small conference room, and spotted this note/tag on the radiator.
August 31, 2022
Things were a little rough downstairs for the last session, so we decided to relocate upstairs to the bedroom. Even more neutral ground. Liz had a lot more guarding to do.
August 30, 2022
Carmelita and Daisy, sharing a pen for the first time. This was our first (brief) intro for them together, and Liz sat inside to moderate.
August 29, 2022
Got a call from my cousin Diane that she was in town with her boyfriend, Ryan. We chatted during the week, and coordinated with them to meet up Saturday night. They’ve had quite the whirlwind Chicago vacation, and today was no exception.