October 16, 2002
The funny thing is, my vision is so shitty… that when I get a haircut, I never have any real idea what’s happening (or what I look like) until the very end. It’s a bit unnerving, actually. I don’t see a process or slow progression from one stage to another. It’s glasses off, scissor sounds, completely different person in the…
October 16, 2002
Saw this, posted near the Merchandise Mart as I was about to walk in to work. Awesome. Made my day.
October 16, 2002
Walking to the Blue Line, I passed by what used to be the Daily Grind (at least, I think that was what it was called). Primer location, on the trisection of Milwaukee, North and Damen. And right across the street from an evil Starbucks. Well, there was a sign on the door saying that they would be open today, at…
October 15, 2002
This morning, I get an e-mail from Tim at the University of Alabama. They sent a letter to me, right around the time I moved into my new apartment; I never got the letter. Since they hadn’t heard from me, they assumed that I’d already made my own travel plans. Eek. Well, here I was then, early in the morning,…
October 15, 2002
So, I have still yet to meet all the people who live in my building. I know Ted (my landlord) is up there, somewhere. The person direct above me (and I don’t think it’s Ted), has an organ. He/She is playing it right now. It’s soft, and surprisingly soothing at times – and makes everything seem a bit more dignified…
October 15, 2002
Played several games with the old UT crew. Still not that many who have the game it seems, or everyone’s super busy. Like many, I’m starting to like the game more… it’s a shift from the old UT, but we all need our complaining and adjustment time. I did the same things when Flash switched versions to 5 and then…
October 14, 2002
So wrong… so horribly, horribly wrong. And yet… so damn funny. Take a look for yourself. But you’ve been warned.
October 14, 2002
If you’re not able to see the image above, you don’t have the Flash 6 plugin. This is nothing fancy. The images (Frink and the Q101 logo), along with all the text are being loaded from an xml file. A small step towards making things more dynamic! Up until today, I didn’t really understand that XML in and of itself,…
October 14, 2002
There’s a lot of construction going on, on Wacker Drive. Near one of the construction areas, I saw this plant. This thing has been here for at while – I saw it almost every day last week, walking to work. Very cool, just sorta there in the middle of all this equipment and the river. When I got off of…
October 14, 2002
October 13, 2002
Wah wah wah. Idiocy edited in the light of sobriety.
October 13, 2002
Alright. Yay for me, for heading out alone. Not like I really talked to anyone else there, save Mike and the girls… but still, good for me. I’m not one to dive into a new place alone, so this seems like a positive thing; that, or a strong indication of how much I care about Chelsea, Steph and Liz. Cool…
October 13, 2002
Michael and Liz and Steph (Michael is my landlord’s all-around fix-it guy, and Liz and Steph are friends I met through Chelsea) are all participating in this event tonight. Billed as a "performative Halloween event," where costumes made my local designers will be on display, and for sale. Should be interesting. Held at The Hideout. From what I understand, a…
October 13, 2002
Talking last night, Matt and I decided that we’re both going to write a haiku a day. Our original plan way back when was a poem a week, but we both sort of fell through on that deal (more me than him). So – it’s all about baby steps. Incidentally, I’m thinking about having my students (next week) create haikus….
October 13, 2002
just a complicated mechanism for processing coffee. Twitchy and full of energy, and remarkably energetic in my energeticness. Ohhh boy. This is not a good sign.