
Who Are You?

I was thinking about this earlier today. Most of the people I know who visit this site are friends, people I’ve known or who I’ve met online. The chances of you visiting this page, without knowing who I am (to some degree) is slim. However, I tend to forget all those who I’ve either given this address out to –…


Flash Monkeys: Your Opinions

So I’m leading this Flash MX workshop in little over a week. And I spent most of today developing a step-by-step walkthrough for some of the basics. If you wouldn’t mind taking a peek at this word document outlining our first class, I’d appreciate any feedback. Am I missing anything? Any glaring errors? Suggestions? I’ve got most of the week…


Cassius I’m ok with this sort of navigation. It’s definitely different, but pleasing to me in a way. I guess the sounds are attractive to me as well. Go check out La Mouche and The Sound of Violence. I’m not sure if I like them, or if it’s the presence of a visual narrative that makes the incessant, repeating dance…


Some Images From Work

I’ve had these a while, but forgot to post them. Cleaned up my desktop today, and tried to clear things up on my server. First one is of my friend Justin, created by Ben. Hehehe. The second one is my connection speed at work. I swear to you, this is what we deal with there. Justin and Ben have been…


Slow Day

Nothing much to report here. After waking up so late last night, I tossed and turned for almost two hours in bed. I got a bit freaked out about this upcoming teaching gig I have in Alabama – going over how I’m planning to structure the week-long course in my head, unable to stop thinking about it. I should never…


So I Went to that Party

Interesting. Most of the folks there were nice. I drank constantly, but walked away with a slight buzz. The party was just like any other party I’ve ever attended, but dress everyone twice as fancy and make the apartment ten times cooler and nicer… and there you have it. A sweet location, a great building – and some interesting folks….


In Case Anyone Wants to Know What I Want for Christmas

It would be the David Sedaris boxed set. I got "Barrel Fever" yesterday, after purchasing my first book of his (Me Talk Pretty One Day) on Monday. So far, it doesn’t compare yet, despite the girl at Quimby’s recommending it. Alright – if you haven’t read it yet, go out and buy Me Talk Pretty One Day. Seriously. I’m not…


Excerpt from David Sedaris’ "Twelve Moments in the Life of the Artist"

After a few months in my parents’ basement, I took an apartment near the state university where I discovered both crystal methamphetamine and conceptual art. Either one of these is dangerous, but in combination they have the potential to destroy entire civilizations. The moment I took my first burning snootful, I understood that this was the drug for me. Speed…


Excerpt from David Sedaris’ "The Late Show"

For the first twenty years of my life I rocked myself to sleep. It was a harmless enough hobby, but eventually I had to give it up. Throughout the next twenty-two years I lay still and discovered that after a few minutes I could drop off with no problem. Follow seven beers with a couple of scotches and a thimble…



Justin played me a tape of Neil Hamburger. Overall, not my thing, as his deadpan humor didn’t quite do it for me. But his crank phone call Hijinx had me crying, and I almost peed myself when I heard it. I’ve listened to it since, and it hasn’t made me fall down laughing each time – but I found it…



Heather invited me to a party this evening, though I haven’t heard anything yet. Not sure how I’ll feel – it’ll be fun hanging out with her, but I’m wary of the group setting. Grumpy told me a few days ago that I should pursue non-me types of activities. Perhaps I should throw caution to the wind and just go…


Not Used to This

It’s 3 AM. Not much of an entry here, since I woke up on the couch a few minutes ago, and plan to go right back to sleep. I need more practice updating – I keep holding off to the last minute, and by then, I’m too tired to come up with any witty banter. Hung out with Heather tonight,…



I’ve spent most of tonight updating, and getting shit back online. So, a short entry here. Give me a break. It’ll take some getting used to, documenting things that happen to me daily. As I got off the Blue Line today, I was met with a guy dressed up as a ham sandwich, or some such thing – passing out…