
Artists on the Web

As I was walking around, I stopped to pick up the business cards of artists that I liked. I figure, hell… may as well put them up here for you to see too. Matt Robinson | Shin Lim | (this is currently broken, but maybe it’ll be up later)Ken Keirns | Todd Willing | www.toddwillingart.comLaura Lee Junge…


Around the Coyote

Now, when I first saw this, I was taken aback. Not for the profanity, but more for the sheer idea that someone took time out of their life to carve this into stone. Who did this person have in mind? Me, specifically? The world? The fact that it’s so indiscriminate in its rancor made me laugh, when I stopped to…


The Word for Today is "Restraint"

Sweet Jebus. I damn near killed off that pint last night. Called Juliet, but I have no idea what in the hell I went on about. This is one of those fuzzy mornings where I’m wondering if I need to call back and apologize for anything I said. I need to learn how to pace my booze. But I’ve also…


I Had an Idea for a Poem Earlier

But I’m not sure if it was a good idea, or just the chemicals chattering away in my brain. It’s difficult to tell sometimes, if it’s insight you’ve gained, or just stupidity. Trying to work it out now, and scribbling and writing a bit. I switched to whiskey. Went out to the store, and bought a small pint. A fifth…


Blade II is Just Awful

I mean, they do some neat stuff. Every once in a while, the action shots were fantastic – a few great scene cuts, transitions. A neat concept at times, and a few killer moments. But for each instance of newness and breaking the mold, they seem to apologize for doing anything "different" and degrade into plain old hollywood dreck. Seriously…


I am Going to Waste Today Like Nobody’s Business

Back in Columbus, I’d smoke and just relax reading. Even now, I tend to get paranoid – so it’s a rare occassion when I’ll partake. More a solitary thing, as I tend to clam up and never speak at all if I’m around other people. So – not answering the phones. Not even answering if someone knocks. So don’t even…



So, this morning I arrive at work and find that I need to help Justin haul up some equipment. I head down to the first floor and, on my way out, this guy I don’t know says to me: Hey! There’s breakfast in the next room. Go get some! I feel a bit awkward, as I don’t really know many…


On the Name Thrillho

So Thrillho is my nickname for when I’m playing online games. I thought I’d explain its origins, seeing how we were talking UT just a moment ago. As if things couldn’t get any geekier. The name is from a Simpsons episode. There is a video game that is all the rage, called "Bonestorm." Milhouse gets a copy of it, and…


UT2003 Demo Out Today!!!

The highly anticipated Unreal Tournament 2003 came out with a functional demo today. All across the world, geeks are scrounging to get this baby downloaded and onto their computers. I must say – it’s sweet as hell. Very smooth graphics, and a big departure from the current Unreal Tournament look. If you’re interested in checking it out, here are two…



Some jackhole who thinks the moon landings were faked tries to get Buzz Aldrin to "swear" on a bible that he actually landed on the moon. Here’s the article on what led up to Buzz Aldrin slugging this guy. And here’s the video where he does slug the guy. (Requires RealVideo)


My Online Geek Friends Out-Geek My Coworker Geek Friends

This is Ben’s newest toy, and it’s come in SO handy over the past few days. To swap files back and forth, it’s a quick plug, copy, and unplug. This little baby holds up to 32 MB, and fits on a keychain. While I decided to take a picture of it today, I noticed this post on WH. 128 MB….


Greetings Professor Falken. Would You Like to Play a Game?

Session Start (Yahoo! – portnoywh:juliet2juliet): Thu Sep 12 22:05:04 2002 julietl: here: Portnoy: Just when I think I’m done updating my blog… Portnoy: you come along and give me this little jewel. Portnoy: :D Portnoy: Hi julietl: jewel julietl: i’m right now trying to figure out how to play a game called “Nuclear Power Plant” Portnoy: lol Portnoy: DON’T…