September 9, 2002
I had to write this shit out on a post-it note. I keep forgetting it, and it’s driving me batty. I need to ingrain this so that it’s second nature. ? = zero or one* = zero or more+ = one or more I swear, if I could get away with it… I’d write it on my monitor at work….
September 9, 2002
Today was a great day at work. Instead of putzing around, I got my hands dirty and dug into BBEdit. Justin showed me around one of the talk radio stations (which we’ll need to manually edit). Essentially, we’re going to create Dreamweaver templates for the station webmasters. But – we’re going to strip out a lot of the existing code,…
September 9, 2002
While I try to vary my routes, there are only so many different ways I can walk to work. I still have my camera out, and try to shoot what I think is interesting. I wonder, though, if it’ll get repetitious after a while. I also wonder if I’ll turn into Harvey Keitel’s character, from Smoke.
September 8, 2002
The more I think about it, the more excited I get. The idea of starting over is appealing all of a sudden. Of course, I’m overlooking the tremendous PAIN-IN-THE-ASS that is the moving experience… but let me daydream for a bit more. There’s one other place (a few houses down) that Steph told me about, which I’ll hopefully get a…
September 8, 2002
Why? What did I do to fall out of your favor, oh great one? I woke up super early this morning, wanting to get a jump on the day. Around 8 AM, I headed out the door to go to the grocery store and pick up food for the week. Normally, I hate shopping – I always feel like I…
September 8, 2002
September 7, 2002
I don’t know what this is, but it’s… well… something. jverbal passed this little gem to me. He didn’t tell me how he came across it; I didn’t want to ask. While it is, technically sound and impressive – it makes me take a step back, and wonder what we do with our free time. I wonder a lot about…
September 7, 2002
Well, I did leave the house, in case you were wondering. I met up with Steph around 5:30 to look at an apartment. It’s the ground floor of my landlord’s building, and right up the street. Literally. It’s smaller than my apartment now, but it’s cozy and more than enough room for one person, I feel. Two bedrooms, and they’re…
September 7, 2002
Jebus, how many of these posts am I going to have, after a year is up? I should develop some kind of shortcut – maybe a visual thing like a picture, maybe some kind of textual phrase or secret password. How about something like this: WASTED DAY. MOVE ALONG. NOTHING TO SEE HERE. So, when you see this – insert…
September 6, 2002
This game has picked up a lot of momentum in the past few weeks. A lot of computer crashes for me, but the few times I’ve played it I loved it. Essentially, it’s a FPS (First Person Shooter), but with a wide range of options and abilities – you can enter cars, jeeps, tanks, convoys – each vehicle has a…
September 6, 2002
After work, Justin and I decide on having drinks. We get off at the Damen stop, and decide on the Pontiac – since we can sit outside, and it’s a gorgeous day still. We walk over there, and happen across Steph and Chelsea, hanging out. We chat for a while, and join them at their table. This morning, Chelsea sent…
September 6, 2002
Ben was out of town today, off to Texas for some art show where he was exhibiting. A really slow day again – I did a few small errands, checked code, bits of this and that. The coolest thing was that I got to talk to Rey after lunch. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me talk about lunch…
September 6, 2002
Grumpy shares a few links with me, and we fall into talking about what we like and disklike. He first shows me this link from I found the animation to be visually cool, and liked it a great deal. But Grumpy made an excellent point about the animation not really "doing" anything. For what it’s worth, it’s a promo…
September 5, 2002
juliet: But deep down, I know I’m going to win. It’s all a matter of time before she cracks, and she moves back to the windy city. Dream on, Ohio Boy! It’s only a matter of time before you figure out that those chains you despise BUILT those huge buildings like the one you’re working in! They block out the…
September 5, 2002
Mr. Grumpy: let’s see another image, i thought the one you posted on your blog was a good start Mr. Grumpy: you’ve gotta keep going :) Portnoy: another image? Mr. Grumpy: i mean, PS image Portnoy: ah – Portnoy: hahaha Portnoy: Will have to find another song to get fixated on. Portnoy: And yes, I agree – more practice is…