
Hollywood Grill

Got a call from Alex and we had lunch at the Hollywood Grill. The food was alright, but nowhere was their hamburger platter worth $5.50. But we both really dug the diner coffee, and debated the reasons why diner coffee had its own distinct flavor/taste. Something to do with either the filter, or the containers… much like the same way…


The Unemployment Office

So this morning, after Dustin’s prodding (along with encouragement from Ben after yesterday’s interview), I get up and hea to the local Unemployment Office. They open at 8:30, and I’m able to find my way easily and quickly. Given how little time I’ve spent driving around the city proper, I’m amazed I didn’t get lost. So the entire process is…


Things Do Not Go As Planned: Interview

Had an interview today, with my friends Justin and Ben. Their company has been looking to hire on some more people, and Justin’s been excited (as have I) of the prospect of us working together. The three of us met, talked a bit about the specifics, and got a bit geeky. I forgot the name of the restaurant. I got…


Strange Realization While Riding the Blue Line

Something of the pessimist in me always assumes the worst from people. My writing doesn’t reflect this (I’ve looked over my poems, and I feel that many of them look to the positive qualities of others). But still, I walk around as though I expect people to be on their worst behavior. As I was on the Blue Line, I…



Even when it’s in Spanish, you can tell when someone is nagging another person. It’s not about language or translation, it’s about tone of voice.


Good Start

Woke up early, which is good. At least my schedule isn’t degenerating, turning me back into a nocturnal creature again. Way back when, I used to be able to work all through the night – writing, reading, studying. I seemed to do better after the sun went down. If I can stick to this early morning schedule, all the better….



Ah me. Today was another waste. I think the lack of structure is adding to my uneasiness. Tonight was fun – I played around, and goofed off. But during the day? Nothing accomplished. I think I need some outside force to either act with or react against. Without it, actions have no context. Goofing off isn’t really goofing off, if…



Back when I was visiting Columbus, Juliet and I spent a part of a lazy Sunday trying to find the recipe for Hasenpfeffer. We are both big fans of the old Loony Toons / Bugs Bunny era of cartoons, and tried to track down a recipe for this supposed "meal." Well, today, she PM’s me this URL out of the…


Strong Coffee

Settling into the day. Made a big pot of strong ass coffee (ask my old coworkers about how strong I like the stuff), and am looking forward to a day in front of the box. We’ll see what today holds. Hopefully, I’ll get a bit of work done. No more of this wallowing crap. Wallowing: OVER Laziness: OVER Single Status:…



Alright. Sorry for that rant yesterday. Apparently, not a good day for me, overall. I’ll be damned if my unemployed days are going to be like yesterday. Shaking it off today. UT not fun? What the hell? Did those words actually come out of my mouth?


A Burden to the Planet

I did nothing positive. I did nothing constructive. At best, I did a load of laundry. At best. Last night, I got on a weird sleep schedule. Conked out early, and woke up around 3 AM. Now answer me this – why is it that they save a gem of a movie like Spies Like Us for 4 AM? It’s…


Gatti vs. Ward

Mr. Grumpy sent me a tape of the fight between Arturo Gatti vs. Micky Ward. Holy crap. I’m not someone who’s into boxing, but this fight was in-friggin-credible. I mean – the punishment both of these guys took was amazing. And on top of that, they surmounted it and continued fighting. Ah. I’m not doing it justice. Both men were…



Inspired by an installation piece I saw back in Columbus, by Julie Taymor. A bright, shiny penny to anyone who figures out what it is.