History of Pecha Kucha
Pecha Kucha, the Japanese term for the sound of conversation (“chit chat”) began in Tokyo, back in 2003. Conceived by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, their original goal was to create a space where designers could share their ideas/passions with others.
However, knowing how dangerous it is to give a designer a microphone… they decided to put some checks in place. In order to prevent speakers from droning on and on, the Pecha Kucha format has restrictions: namely, 20 slides, on display for 20 seconds each. Because of this constraint every single Pecha Kucha presentation, regardless of speaker or topic, is exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds in length.
Since its inception, the Pecha Kucha format has spread to multiple cities around the world. As of June, 2009, more than 200 cities hold their own Pecha Kucha events, where people across multiple disciplines and fields of study share the things that interest and invigorate them. Visit pecha-kucha.org for more info, and to find an event near where you are.
About This Guide
My name is Felix Jung, and I gave my first talk at Pecha Kucha Chicago, Volume 9. I thoroughly enjoyed the event and had a fantastic time preparing for my talk. On looking back, I wanted to write up a summary of my process, and to share any tips or hints to others who are planning (or considering) participating in their first Pecha Kucha event.
A few caveats: I’m no professional speaker, nor do I profess to have any kind of secret insider knowledge. I’m a guy who gave a talk, and maybe my notes will be of help. The suggestions I make here are just that – suggestions. Take them or leave them, as what worked for me might not necessarily work for you.
Like design or poetry or cooking, there’s no one way to do this right (and anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something).
When I was first doing my prep, I spent time looking around on YouTube for examples of Pecha Kucha talks. I wanted to see what others had done, and wanted some basis for comparison.
To that end, I’m posting up my slides and videos of my talk in the hopes that they might be of some help to you. There are two videos of my talk: one that shows the event live, and another that has audio from the evening superimposed over my slides.
Additionally, if you want a closer look at the slides themselves… check out the downloads section for .zip files of both the individual slides, as well as the main .PSD.
Again, I want to stress that I’m not suggesting you copy what I did. Completely the opposite, in fact. I encourage you to come up with your own style, your own approach.
When I was working on my own presentation, I wanted specific examples of how others set up their talks. In that spirit, I hope these pages provide a good starting point. Good luck in your prep, and if this was a useful resource… I’d love to hear about it (and I’d love to see your presentation too, if it’s online). Break a leg!
Next: Getting Started
It’s so great you’ve prepared such a guide because it encourages people to take part in Pecha Kucha and makes it easier for them to, one day, prepare a presentation themselves. I am a big fan of Pecha Nights and love to share my passion as well. I’ve recently wrote an article: 20 Reasons Why Pecha Kucha is Great for You, drop in and let me know what you think.
Marcin Retecki (May 12, 2012 at 11:21 am)All best from Oslo.
I have a question about the total presentation time. Does it have to strictly follow 6.6 minutes? Because my professor deducted 5 points off my grade for “not following Pecha Kucha guidelines” because my total time was 5:43. I would appreciate any advise and I can use some references that shows Pecha Kucha CANNOT fall below 6.6 minutes. I need help because we will be doing more of this sort of assignment.
Dedes (August 21, 2014 at 8:10 pm)Hi Dedes – There aren’t a lot of specific rules to Pecha Kucha, but the one thing that seems a constant is the overall time for each presentation. If you look at the official PechaKucha website, they oftentimes refer to the format as “PechaKucha 20×20.” Meaning: 20 slides, 20 seconds each.
At public performances, no one is really holding a stopwatch to each presenter. But the general expectation is that all presentations , regardless of content, will fall around 6 minutes, 40 seconds in length. Hope this helps, and good luck with your future presentations!
avoision (August 22, 2014 at 6:27 am)Hello, I followed your tips for my recent Pecha Kucha in Barcelona (Design Museum of Barcelona auditorium with 320 people). I just wanted to say thank you for all your tips and ideas. I really enjoyed your Pecha Kucha too!!! This is mine. I speak in catalan but I have added english subtitles. I would like to hear a comment from you. Thanks
Boris Masramon (June 26, 2015 at 8:55 pm)I think Pecha Kucha is the bomb! I recently had to give a presentation and chose the pecha kuccha format because it allowed me to be myself and convey the contents of my heart without the pressures of slide to slide combat.
kevin canada (December 19, 2016 at 11:07 pm)