Posts Tagged "AI"

Sora: AI Generated Video from Text

The level of detail is pretty incredible, even if there are issues here and there in the background. Difficult to wrap my head around the fact that all of the videos here don’t actually exist, and were generated by text commands interpreted by a machine.

I’m a bit excited and terrified, to see where this will go.


Revisiting the Infinite

It’s been fun getting back into this project, after setting it aside for so long. It was more of a proof of concept project, but lately it’s been enjoyable to try to improve it a bit.


ChatGPT: Plugins and Browsing, but no Code Interpreter (Yet)

Found out today that I’ve actually got access to the Browsing and Plugin features, for ChatGPT. Tried out a few things, and ended up asking it about the type of content on my site/blog. The answer was… fine. Not great, but a decent summary of the most recent posts. But the thing I’ve been most excited about… I still don’t…


Creepy Fun

It’s hard to explain, without giving it away. So I’ll just share another screenshot and say that I’m having a blast, trying to make this weird idea happen. Which is always a good sign, whenever I have a weird idea I’m trying to code out.



At each turn, I realize that I’m simply not thinking BIG enough with what I’m asking ChatGPT to do. Which is crazy and exciting and just… crazy, all at the same time.


Viv: Global AI Platform That Treats Intelligence as a Utility

He [cofounder Dag Kittlaus] envisions someone unsteadily holding a phone to his mouth outside a dive bar at 2 am and saying, “I’m drunk.”” Without any elaboration, Viv would contact the user’s preferred car service, dispatch it to the address where he’s half passed out, and direct the driver to take him home. No further consciousness required.