Posts Tagged "allison"

Hanging Out at Ben and Allison’s

Earlier in the week, Allison texted a bunch of folks about an idea she had for a website. After some back and forth, the concept turned into a “let’s talk about this in person” get-together for the weekend. And next thing you know, it was a party.


Vertical Carnival: Hyper-Detailed Letterpress Print, by Allison Rae

“Carnival riffs on the previous idea of the city re-imagined on a vertical plane and narrows the focus to a vertically sprawling amusement park. I really wanted to continue working in the same vein as before, with an obsessive eye toward signage + architecture, and a nod toward some of the now-retro illustration styles from various ’70s/80s cartoons of my youth. Sesame Street’s Pinball Count videos were a particular inspiration.”


Allison, Chris, and the Long Forgotten T-Shirt Prank

The idea came up for multiple people to all get similar full-size t-shirts… and incredibly, people started to order them independently (from The Mountain and Fab). Meagan had the excellent idea that everyone would hang out at a bar together somewhere (karaoke, maybe), and each shirt would slowl be revealed through a series of photos posted onto Flickr or Facebook. With Chris humongo Allison-faced shirt being the last image in the set.


Ballsdurdash: Game Night at Ben and Allison’s House

The game goes like this: one player looks through the Slang Dictionary and selects a word. They then tell the other players what the word is, and everyone writes down their own definition on a slip of paper. The person who picked the word writes down the actual, real definition. All the slips are turned in, and the person who chose the word has to read all the definitions out loud.


Jane’s Fake, Knitted Beard

Yesterday morning, Jane gave the most awesome gift to Allison: a fake, knitted beard. Because Allison’s sitting and working with so many of us with facial hair (me, Chris, Justin, Ben)… this fake beard is something she could wear to fit in a little more. What’s hysterical and fantastic is that there are two little loops on either side, which…


Ben’s 10 Year Anniversary Lunch

For lunch, a group of us headed out to a (semi) nearby Indian place called Chicago Curry House. Today was the official 10-year mark for Ben, as he officially has been an employee of Emmis Interactive for a decade now! To celebrate, a group of us headed out to lunch together. View of the bar. The interior is quite nice,…