June 11, 2011
On Saturday, Chris, Liz and I headed over to Ben and Allison’s new place! They’re currently in the process of moving in, and the three of us were swinging by to help out with some painting. Inside the front living room, with the door on the left. Great little sunroom in the background. Dining room. I’m not particularly taken with…
May 11, 2011
Well, not at the same time. Not together. They’re not both… you know what I mean. I’m excited to announce that Ben and Allison are expecting a baby! I learned about the news a little while ago, but have been on radio silence ever since. As of last night, looking over Twitter and Facebook… it appears that the news is…
July 13, 2010
On Sunday, a few of us headed over to Ben and Allison’s place, to celebrate Ben’s birthday. A little while after we arrived, Chris and Leslie showed up with a third guest: a freaking awesome piñata they had picked up. Justin and Chris. chatting over some delicious guacamole and mangos (brought by Chris). Allison and Leslie, in the shadow of…
May 26, 2010
This is an awesome video slideshow that captures Ben and Allison’s honeymoon in Iceland. This was somewhere Allison had visited before, but the first time for Ben. Shutterbugs that they are, they both took a ton of great photographs. Allison and I traveled counter-clockwise around the island on the ring road, starting in Reykjavík on March 26, 2010. We saw…
March 20, 2010
Before the guests arrived for Ben and Allison’s wedding, folks gathered at Jane’s in Bucktown for some photos. Stu (who also photographed my wedding) flew in to do all the photography. All the kids, being asked to make some silly faces for the camera. A view of the flowers along the bar, before the evening gets underway. Ben and Allison…
January 15, 2010
After two years working with us, we’re saying goodbye to Matt Miner. Matt’s case is a special one: though he’s been with us a long while, he was originally brought on as a temporary hire (via another company, Sogeti). He was, for all intents and purposes, brought on at the start as a hired gun. But he soon proved himself…
January 13, 2010
Prior to the holidays, Justin sent out a dinner invite to a few of us. He’d been hard at work re-arranging his apartment, and the dinner was a way to celebrate his “new” place and the new year. Justin rushed home right after work, and by the time many of us showed up (circa 7:30 PM), he was already in…
July 18, 2008
With great sadness, this is something I’ve known for a while now… and something that many of us knew at work: Bryan is saying goodbye to Emmis Interactive, and heading out to the West Coast. He’s going out there with Jamie, and will be pursuing his artistic career full-time. While it pains me to see him go, there’s this rightness…
March 5, 2008
Allison recently got a version of Battleship that I’ve never seen before – one where each side comes complete with a periscope that shoots torpedoes (tiny black marbles) under water, at the ships.
December 6, 2007
Since our department moved out into its own office, our holiday celebrations have also separated themselves some from the stations. In the past, us Interactive folks would celebrate along with the stations; but we’d also have our own gatherings and dinners. It’s wild to think about, but about 5 years ago now… I sat down at a table with all…
October 18, 2007
August 13, 2007
*ring* Hello Allison? It’s me, Bryan. Ok, today? I was thinking about a light purple top and some black… no, no, wait. Wait. Gold. Make it gold shoes.
August 2, 2007
*ring* Hello, Bryan? It’s me, Allison. Ok, today? I was thinking we could do a bright pink top, dark jeans combo thing. Whaddya say?
February 13, 2007
Ever since Allison’s arrival to the Windy City, she’s been looking forward to a proper Chicago winter. Specifically, playing in the snow that accompanies a proper Chicago winter. Today during work, she and Ben were heading out into the storm snow to play. And hearing that this would be Allison’s first ever snow angel? Well, how could I not go…
November 7, 2006
Today marks the official soft launch of our division’s website. This has been the project that Chris and I have been working at, for some time now. It’s not quite ready for public viewing yet, but we did an internal launch today. Chris and I were both headed out around noon (we were taking a half day off, since we…