Posts Tagged "animation"

A Familiar Animation

There is a sadness and melancholy that emanates from both of these videos. Both of these videos evoke a sense of hurt and a sense of celebration, in equal measure. As does the act of sharing these videos, I think.


Alternate Realities

This is a mesmerizing collection of videos, showing the top 100 submissions of a challenge issued to 3D artists worldwide. Each clip was based on the same initial animation, with certain rules that needed to be adhere


Bisous Les Copains: Animated GIFs by Guillaume Kurdjian

Guillaume Kurdjian makes some really lovely animated gifs. A big draw is the subject matter, but there’s something incredibly pleasing about the muted color palettes he chooses. I can’t quite put my finger on it, as there’s his images evoke a sensation I can’t quite articulate. “Lovely” is about as close as I can get, though in an odd way I feel some slight twinges of childhood.


Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

Usually, in games, the cinematics between levels is where the impressive graphics and animations come out. But in playing this game, I found myself liking the look of the regular game play more. The animation segments were still good, of course, but the game itself just looks really great and it feels like you’re moving around in a Studio Ghibli film. Regardless of how you feel about the storyline, the game is absolutely beautiful and beautifully made.


Apache, by Danger Beach

I happened across this video very randomly, as it was included as placeholder content in a carousel for a random WordPress theme. I’ve seen it repeatedly for some time now, but today was the first time I actually hit the “play” button. Once the animation began, I was hooked.