Posts Tagged "animation"

The Art of Drowning, by Billy Collins (Animated Poem)

As many of you know, I’m a huge fan of Billy Collins. I happened across an animation of one of his poems this morning, and wanted to share it. It’s silly, but the “Related” section is actually longer than my post. If you enjoyed this poem, consider digging through some of the links below. Lots of previously good stuff there….


Thought of You: Lovely Dance Animation

I’m not a big fan of dance, but I found this particular animation by Ryan Woodward incredibly moving. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that my friend Ann, who used to be a dancer, was always fascinated with the body’s movements. I remember her explaining the concepts of dance to me, but I never really got it….


The Billion Bug Highway Above Your Head

Apparently, there are a gazillion bugs flying overhead. I knew insects travelled on the wind, but some of the heights mentioned here are mind-boggling. I’ve not come across this series before. It looks to be NPR, but is it an ongoing thing where information segments are animated? [via Rob]


Crater Face

Crater Face is a brilliant little movie created by Skyler Page. There are some great moments in this, and some really well done facial expressions. A lovely, funny and touching little animation. Rope. [via MetaFilter]


The TV Show: Impossibly Meta Music Video Animation

The TV Show, a music video by Sugimoto Kousuke, is a sight to behold. What starts off as separate scenes slowly combines to produce an incredibly frenetic, fast-paced blur that will have you slowly smiling (and will have your jaw slowly dropping) over the course of 3 minutes. Stellar stuff. [via MetaFilter]