Posts Tagged "arduino"

Reaching out to the Satellites

The header pins I have are a bit loose (I’m a far ways away from trying soldering), but with a little wiggling around… I was able to see GPS information showing up via the Serial Monitor. Which, I have to tell you… was MEGA exciting.


The Liquid Crystal Shortcut

So I’ve been reading up on electronics a bit, and trying to get my head around amps and volts and Ohm’s law (and not doing a great job with that). There’s a part of me that is slapping a ruler in his hand, saying “Stick to the fundamentals! Learn the necessary boring stuff first, then do the cool things!”



There’s a part of me that wants to study and better understand some of the basics of electronics. And then there’s a bigger part of me that just wants to ignore the fundamentals, and just dive in and hook up that liquid crystal display to see what cool things we can make happen.


First Arduino Project

Something that didn’t quite register with me, until I saw everything in person: most of this stuff is really small! I knew the Arduino board itself was pretty small, but some of the other components (like the push buttons) were much smaller than I expected.


Waiting to Get Started

Ordered this recently, and got as far as opening the box up. I spent some time cleaning off my desk, but I haven’t yet found the time to open more than just the Amazon wrapper box.