Posts Tagged "augur"

Pager Duty Perk

It’s been fairly quiet of late, and the only real change to my schedule is to ensure that I check to see if any messages come through from 8:00AM – 10:15 PM every day (we have an offshore team that takes over at that time). Of course, I have to have my laptop nearby. And a kind of constant awareness of the closest wi-fi spots, should I ever leave the house. But all in all, nothing too strenuous.


Augur App: Android Version!

In a nutshell, the app searches Twitter to find posts that match a second person point of view (“You will…” “You might…” that type of thing). I’ve tweaked the logic so that things should be a bit more predictive, and lean away from advice.


Augur, Version 2.0 – Coming Soon

To top things off, I decided to make the app free. I sold a small amount, but honestly – I started to wonder whether I really wanted to charge or not for the app. I’ve spent a lot of time on it, but ultimately I decided that I’d rather have more people see it and use it. Obscurity being the bigger challenge, right?


Code Day

With my approach now, I’m taking a lot of that initial work (searching, parsing) and letting that take place on the server. Instead of bundling it with the app, I’m using a Node server on Heroku, and also storing some database content via MongoDB.


Augur App, Submitted to App Store

So… yeah. This just happened. It’s an incredibly basic app, but it’s something I’ve been kicking around for some time now. I’ve gotten it working well enough, and stepped through the processes involved in getting the app bundled for submission to Apple’s App Store.


New Project and Logo: Augur

The app I’m tentatively titling augur and it’s a Twitter-based app. The name kind of arrived one day out of the blue, and it’s kind of perfect. I realize the “g” looks a lot like a “q”, but I’m rolling with this as-is despite the visual noise there. The “g” is highlighted to make it look like a lituus, which was a ritual wand used by augurs in Roman times.