Posts Tagged "back porch"

Sneaky Cat

This morning, we heard the same sound again. A kind of low wailing, almost as though it were calling out for people. I was able to pinpoint the sound, and got a photo of a cat sitting on our back porch.


Cold Porch Work

We had plans for a lazy day today… but come noon, Liz and I opted to suit up to tackle a few things outside. The weather’s turning, and with more cold temps coming our way… we decided to do as much as we could, to try to finalize some existing/ongoing projects.


Deck Work

A few photos over the course of a few days, showing off some progress on the back porch. Liz has been painting a bit, as I’ve been (slowly) working on getting the railing re-installed/replaced.


Deck Board Install

With the hinged cellar door installed, it’s time to put decking down. This was my first attempt, and I was trying to ensure that I didn’t end a board right where the seam would be for the hinged door.


Hinged Cellar Door: Install

Ready for the install. The two supports from yesterday are near the front, where the hinged door/floor will rest. We also put two small plywood spacers along the side, to ensure there’s a small gap between the door and the existing deck.


Another Box

Bob has a neat idea for us to add space to the deck, while also providing us access to the basement. Instead of cellar doors, we’re going to have a moveable part of the deck that we can lift/lower as needed.


Supply Run

Today was a big supply run. We were out in the suburbs, running several errands over several locations. It was… a lot.