Half the Snow in the Yard

Spotted this out the window, and it gave me a chuckle. I guess we know where the sun hits the yard, and where the shade is.
Spotted this out the window, and it gave me a chuckle. I guess we know where the sun hits the yard, and where the shade is.
In the afternoon, I mowed the yard, did a bit of cleanup. And towards the evening, set up our fire pit so we could sit outside for a little while with some drams.
There were workers earlier in the year, around late Sprint, when they were drilling holes into the ground. But I think there was a need to step things up, as there’s now a mini-excavator back here.
Work has (somewhat) resumed in the neighbor’s backyard. But I don’t really want to talk about that here. Instead, I’d like to talk about this impossibly tiny, impossibly cute little bunny nugget that appeared amongst all the hoses and buckets.
Spotted this guy in our back yard, and my only thought was: the audacity.
So interestingly, the work in the neighbor’s backyard has stopped. There was a lot of machinery out here for a while, but things got packed up and relocated.
Still though, nature finds a way. We very much seem to have a group of bold backyard bunnies.
I walked out into the backyard after work today, figuring on doing a bit of yardwork. I looked up, and my heart sank… as I realized I needed to do some serious repair work, and fast.
What I saw (and failed to get a good photo of): my fence had more or less split in the middle, with one panel coming detached from one of the posts. And two large sections of the fence were swaying back and forth.
Keep in mind this was pretty late. I want to say it was something like 12:30 or 12:45 AM. Long past what I think is a reasonable bedtime for bunny rabbits. But here this guy was, bold as brass, just hanging out in the yard.
So. I spent a lot of the day in the basement, working with these supplies. And it seems like all I did was make a few prototypes of Halloween anuses. Because let’s be honest, this is what they look like.
Liz, trying to carve out a path circa 2014. We eventually hired out the work to clear this area with a mini bulldozer.
There’s this decent sized divot in the neighbor’s yard, where I think this bunny is nestled. I’m not sure if the areas was the site of a nest, but this bunny really, really likes this spot.
I’m starting to wonder if this is actually a guy, and possibly more a gal. And if there’s a warren nearby somewhere. This bunny seems to be very present in our yard in the evenings, and occupies the same spot.
Nothing quite compares to the amazing show we got back in July. But we do have some small hawks in the area, and there’s at least one cat that prowls around. So there are a few things that could go wrong for these little guys.
It’s been a long time coming – but today, Liz and I put some time in the backyard to trim down a lot of overgrown foliage.
On our side, Tippi has gotten out of hand. And honestly, has been out of hand for several months now. While Liz was working on Tippi, I was working on trimming a lot of the tree branches that were bleeding into our area from the neighbor’s yard… and over-shading our garden boxes.