February 10, 2025
Liz and I went on a run together today. It’s… well, it’s been a while.
Liz has gone out on her own a few times. But for me, I think it’s been at least 2 weeks or more since I’ve actually put foot to pavement. I was definitely out of practice.
The first mile was really rough. I was pushing myself, and I could feel the run getting away from me. I tried to slow down, somewhat successfully… but it was a struggle.
January 19, 2023
A strange thing happened to me this morning. I was slowly waking up, browsing Instagram absent-mindedly… when I saw this video from nicolestorydent.
It’s pretty quick, so see if you can spot it. I almost missed it, the first time it flashed by. And then I watched it again, in disbelief.
April 28, 2021
Standing in line at Walgreen’s to pick up medication, I noticed something odd. There was a balloon near the register, but right above it… there was a small bit of paper, taped across the overhead light.
May 1, 2019
Spotted these on the way to work, near Daley Plaza. While they looked quite beautiful to me, there’s a part of me that feels some sadness in that their journey got interrupted. That these guys were headed elsewhere, but for the trees.
March 10, 2018
So it turns out, Liz spent several days slowly filling the car up with balloons. She pretended to work in the basement one night, and had to secretly move balloons out from the basement to the car bit by bit.
February 18, 2018
It felt like a moment of serendipity, but that’s not quite the right word. Serendipity implies a kind of happiness I think. Is there a word for chance encounters that imbue a sense of sadness as well? Because that’s what this felt like.
February 15, 2018
Spotted this balloon heart the day after Valentine’s day, stuck in a tree near our house.
July 24, 2016
I wonder if this was done prior to all the construction kicking in. Given the placement of the stickers and the fence, I’m guessing so. But realizing that makes me wonder how I missed this, walking by every day, to and from work?
March 2, 2013
De Ceulaer was interested in using plaster as “an end material,” and not just something used for making moulds. He tested out this approach by filling a balloon with plaster, and ended up with a fairly useless object that had perfectly smooth sides.
October 22, 2012
For this site-specific installation, Creed fills half the space of a room with balloons, giving tangible form to something that’s usually invisible: the air around you. This lively artwork is meant to be enjoyed as you walk through it and not just viewed from outside. In Chicago, the artist has installed four versions of this work in different neighborhoods throughout the city, choosing a different color balloon for each site to give the installations their own feeling.
December 8, 2011
Spotted this in the alley, on the way to work this morning.
September 6, 2011
Awesome stop-motion video, done with illustrations on about a gazillion balloons. Thanks to Mark Clarkson for the link!
March 10, 2011
Yesterday was my birthday, and I walked in to find my desk adorned with a nice little surprise. Throughout the day, I got a lot of well wishes from friends, both in-person and online. Facebook always surprises me, with people I literally haven’t seen in years dropping a note and a kind word. It was a steady stream all day,…
July 17, 2010
You know what? I don’t really care that this may end up being an intentionally viral video for Dyson fans. It’s cool, and I bet it was a blast to set all this up. [via BoingBoing] Related:Awesome Birthday Surprise: My Office, Filled with BalloonsMy Amazing (and Slightly Terrifying) Birthday Surprise*pop* *pop* *pop* *pop*Frankfort Fall Festival: Waterballoon War, 2006Frankfort Fall Festival:…
March 9, 2009
Today is my birthday. I turned 35. At work, we have a great policy where you can take a “birthday day” off, and it doesn’t count against your vacation days. I was figuring on taking Friday off, as Mondays are usually busy with meetings and whatnot. This morning, on the way in, Liz wanted to walk with me to my…