Posts Tagged "baxter"

Giving Medication to the Bunny Rabbits

After a recent visit to the vet, Liz and I found out that our rabbits needed a bit more medication, day to day. Quincy has some liver issues (high liver levels, which suggest an infection), and was also diagnosed as being anemic. Baxter was developing some mats of fur under her chin, and the doctor suggested some pain medication (thinking…


New Year’s Eve with the Bunnies

For New Year’s Eve, Liz and I spent a quiet night at home with the bunnies. When we went into the kitchen to get some champagne, Quincy immediately followed us in (as he always does) on the lookout for food. Quincy with some friends. As the clock counted down to midnight, we gave the rabbits a few treats. In addition…


Decorating the Christmas Tree, 2010

We hauled up our Christmas boxes over the weekend, and began decorating the apartment for the holidays. There’s a wreath on the front door, scented candles all over the place and, of course… the tree. Liz, getting pretty festive with the decorating. Quincy, enthralled by both the lights and the tree. Ornament detail. Our tree! Related:Christmas Tree Decoration, 2006Christmas Tree…


Bunny Sitting

Tonight, we dropped off Baxter and Quincy… to be looked after by Liz Rench. We’re heading out of town for a few days, and so hired Liz to look after the bunnies while we were gone. Unlike cats, bunnies need a lot more daily maintenance. They need to be fed twice a day, which means cutting up fresh greens in…


Lincoln Park Zoo with the Hutte Family

On Saturday, the Hutte family (Stacey, Shane, Jasmine and Jahnu) made a trek up to Chicago for the day. They were planning on meeting some Chicago friends at the Lincoln Park Zoo, and Liz and I joined up with them around noon. L to R it’s Jasmine, Shane and Jahnu. It was a beautiful day outside – sun and clear…


Quincy and Tus Meet For The First Time

On Friday Jake came over to our place for dinner (and Tus was along, of course). After we had eaten, we noticed that Baxter and Quincy seemed to be a little less freaked out by a dog in the area. Quincy seemed pretty nonchalant about everything, actually. And so we devised a test. Jake would hold Tus, and we would…


Tornado Sirens, Logan Square

While we were home last night, about 30 minutes after I got home… we heard the tornado sirens going off in the distance. For whatever reason, I felt fine staying where we were (third story of a large, brick building)… but Liz felt strongly that we needed to head to lower ground. And so, we grabbed the two cat carries…


The Bunnies Get a Maze and a Cottage

Despite a few crazy UPS and delivery snafus (and the item inexplicably routing to Chicago, then right back to its point of origin), the cardboard maze Liz ordered finally arrived. Now that both bunnies are sharing the same space, we didn’t want them to get too bored. In the past, we took a regular box and cut out a few…


Sunroom Updates, and Some Bunny Bonding

On Friday, Liz went out and purchased a few floor tiles to decorate the sun room (which is now technically the bunny room). The grey/black tiles are new. At the bottom of this photo are two pieces of tile that we purchased for them, a few weeks back. Prior to us having AC units in the windows, the bunnies didn’t…


Baxter and Quincy, Exploring the Apartment

Ever since we moved to our new apartment, we’ve had Baxter and Quincy living in separate pens next to one another. Very recently, we were happy to see they were getting along with one another… and we moved them both to the same area (the sun room). About a week ago, we opened up the gates and let the two…


Baxter and Quincy, Officially Living Together

It’s been a long long time leading up to now, but I’m happy to say that our two rabbits (Baxter and Quincy) are now officially sharing the same space. For months now, ever since we brought Quincy back home with us, the two of them have been in separate pens. To get the adjusted to one another, we kept their…


Bunny Burritos!

Last night was time for the bunnies to get a little ear cleaning. Liz set up the kitchen table as a makeshift work area, and got out a blanket for the “bunny burritos.” For those who haven’t seen it before, the burrito method ensures that a rabbit won’t thrash or try to run away when delicate things are happening (nail…


Bunny Bonding in the Sun Room

Ever since Quincy joined us, Liz and I have been trying to get him and Baxter to bond. We’ve been off and on with this bonding process, and as of today the two of them are still in separate pens. Overall, the bonding sessions have been pretty good. There was one really bad fight between them, but that was maybe…


Boxes and Bunny Bonding

Day two of our new apartment. Again, we spent a lot of today unpacking boxes. I never knew we owned so much crap. It’s staggering, really, to see it all in a lump all at once. Today we concentrated on the kitchen, and got the whole area cleared out. The countertops are a bit more open, and the oven and…