January 19, 2010
So we went in to the vet and got Baxter checked out yesterday. There was a routine examination, along with an x-ray, and a long period of waiting around in one of the rooms. Ultimately, the diagnosis was something like gastro-intestinal stasis. There was a possible blockage or inflammation in her secum, and we got sent home with a large…
January 18, 2010
This morning, when I came by to give Baxter her breakfast, she stayed inside her little box. Normally, she’s waiting as I’m approaching, with her paws up on the cage (sometimes even standing on her hind legs). She’s a lover of food, and there’s no more dangerous place to be than between Baxter and her veggies. But this AM, something…
December 6, 2009
I’m proud to officially introduce you to Professor Quincy Snugglesworth, the newest member of our household. Liz and I had different favorite names for the bunny, so we ended up compromising. Overall, we liked Mr. Darcy, but as he gradually became more comfortable… that name didn’t seem to fit as much. We both ended up liking Quincy, and felt that…
December 2, 2009
Last night, after catching up with Justin for some post-work drinks and sushi, Liz swing by to pick us both up. It turns out, we had a few other passengers in the car as well. Liz has been reading up on the whole “bonding” process for rabbits for some time, and recently came across a mention of a “shared stress…
November 29, 2009
These photos are from a second meeting between Baxter and Marciano (who we have yet to rename). We’ve got them on top of our bed, hopping around a few layers of blankets. We’re hoping that having the bunnies meet on neutral ground will make the transition smoother, and allow the two to pair bond a little easier. The timing of…
November 28, 2009
After our last visit to Red Door Animal Shelter, Liz and I talked about which suitor would be best for Baxter. Though extremely tiny and cute, we decided not to go with Bun Bun. Instead, we felt that Marciano would make the better choice. While I usually like to keep an animal’s given name, Liz and I were planning on…
November 27, 2009
Since our initial visit to the Red Door Animal Shelter (where Baxter underwent a bit of bunny rabbit speed dating), we’ve been back at least once. A few days ago, we went back in for our third meeting, to see if Baxter would get along with any of the other male rabbits. About two weeks ago, there was a potential…
November 15, 2009
From time to time, Liz will leave the entire bag of hay open (and on the ground) for Baxter. This basically turns into a huge feeding trough, and she ends up walking into the bag and just chomping away. While it’s a messy thing, what’s hysterical is that oftentimes you’ll see nothing but a big bunny butt sticking out of…
November 6, 2009
For a really long time now, Liz and I have talked about getting another rabbit. Baxter has been on her own for quite a long time, and we felt that getting her a companion would be a good thing. I’m sure this thought was spurred on by us meeting Liz Rench (aka the Rabbit Sitter), and seeing some of her…
December 17, 2008
As now seems to be the tradition, Baxter resumes nibbling away at the Christmas tree this year. She’s been going at our tree somewhat aggressively the past week. My sense is that she’s gotten a taste for it.
January 4, 2008
Liz and I put the tree up in the apartment a few weeks back. And since then, not only have we liked it… but Baxter’s liked it as well. I have a new plan. Instead of throwing out the tree, we’ll just wait until she eats it all. Less work for me, more food for Baxter. It’s win-win. The perfectly…
March 1, 2007
March 13, 2006
I hung out with Liz tonight, and got to meet her bunny – Baxter. She let her loose for a bit, so she could run around the living room. I snappeda few photos, and just a little bit of video.