Posts Tagged "boing boing"

Jane’s Balloon Boy Pumpkin Makes it to Boing Boing!

This is a photo Jane took, of a pumpkin tribute to a little boy and a little balloon. This guy was entered in to contest held at her husband Pete’s office. When I first saw Jane’s update on Twitter, I had a genuine LOL – it was such a great concept. And my prediction of it going viral? Totally called…


Balloons on BoingBoing!

Woohoo! On a whim, I sent in a link to the birthday balloon surprise, and got it picked up at BoingBoing. My day was already awesome as is. And seeing the link on the home page of BB was icing on the proverbial cake. With the upcoming Pi Day (3/14) and all the traffic that I usually get for the…


I Got Mentioned on BoingBoing… Again? Rehi, BB!

Well this was pretty unexpected. I was in meetings this morning and… again, on walking out, I ran into Chris and he said congratulations to me. Again. For making it onto BoingBoing… again! The way I see it, I need to start going to more lengthy morning meetings. Because somehow, my internet fame seems to be increasing whenever I’m not…


I Got Mentioned on BoingBoing!

For most of the day, I was buried in meetings. When I finally got a chance to lift my head up, it was circa 3PM. I was coming out of Mike’s office, and Chris walked up to me, stuck out his hand, and said “Congratulations.” He then showed me his computer screen, and my jaw dropped. Turns out, I got…


Hello, BoingBoing!

In a fit of nerd-tastic enthusiasm, I’d happy to say that yesterday I got linked up by BoingBoing. For those that aren’t familiar with the site (it’s one of my daily reads, and a site I check up on multiple times a day), it’s got a pretty massive audience. Needless to say, I’ve been getting a great deal of traffic….