Purple Brussels Sprouts

I was shopping at Hyde Park Produce, and happened to see a sign for Purple Brussels Sprouts! I’d never encountered them before, and the mere thought of them was super intriguing.
I was shopping at Hyde Park Produce, and happened to see a sign for Purple Brussels Sprouts! I’d never encountered them before, and the mere thought of them was super intriguing.
Over the weekend, we picked up a stalk of brussles sprouts at the Logan Square Farmers Market. It’s one of our favorite veggies, and sometimes seeing them on the stalk just makes it hard to resist.
I’m proud to officially introduce you to Professor Quincy Snugglesworth, the newest member of our household. Liz and I had different favorite names for the bunny, so we ended up compromising. Overall, we liked Mr. Darcy, but as he gradually became more comfortable… that name didn’t seem to fit as much. We both ended up liking Quincy, and felt that…
When I got home last night, Liz showed me a little something she had picked up at Stanley’s: a set of brussels sprouts, still on the stalk! I’d seen these just once before, sold at the Logan Square Farmers Market, but never had a chance to buy them (they were sold out by the time we got to the booth)….