Posts Tagged "bunny rabbits"

Goodbye, Quincy

I am saddened to share the news that we had to put Quincy to sleep today. His age and arthritis made movement for him difficult, and for the past week and a half… he was largely unable to move around without assistance.


Quincy’s Bad Days

While he’s had a predictable pattern of good days, bad days, and then good days again… this has been the longest stretch of consecutive bad days. So far, we haven’t seen very much in terms of improvement, but Liz and I are still holding out hope that he rallies a bit.


Trouble with the Curve

Quincy has been having some bad days, lately. The worst happened this past Saturday and Sunday, where he wasn’t really moving around that much, having problems with his left leg. On Saturday, it was the worst. I ended up having to pick him up out of the litterbox, because he was unable to right himself. And then I had to…


Not a Lucky Foot

Got this picture of Quincy tonight, with him sticking out his right foot. I think he’s doing this for more balance, as it’s his left foot he’s been struggling more with lately.


Quincy: Bad Days and Good

Come Sunday, he was really bad – not moving much at all. And at times, when he headed for something, he curved – with his left leg not looking like it was moving at all. At a few points, it seemed like he was army-crawling. He looked in poor spirits.


Powerwash Prep

We spent a good deal of the day getting prepped for work. But unfortunately, when all was said and done… the powerwasher had some issues. There was water coming through, but there was a leak somewhere that Bob couldn’t fix without taking the engine apart.


The Joys of Living with Bunny Rabbits

With Quincy having more mobility problems of late… we decided to try out a different litter box. The ones we used in the past were somewhat high on the sides, which sometimes provide difficult for Quincy to get past – both going in and out of the litterbox.


Quincy Returns for More Acupuncture

I learned that the doctor tends to go for 15 minute treatments for pain, though some animals may vary in terms of how they respond to the duration. Quincy seemed to fare a little worse the last few times, so she reduced the treatment time from 15 minutes to around 7-8 minutes.


We Surprised One Another

I know there are a lot of rabbits out in the suburbs, where there’s more green and more space to roam. It’s always surprising to see rabbits in the city – I got used to seeing them in Logan Square, but still getting used to seeing them in Hyde Park (which feels a little denser to me).


Quincy Status Update

We took Quincy in to the vet today, and got a little more insight into his balance problems. He apparently has some inflammation in the area between his eyes and brain, which could be there for a variety of reasons.