Head Smoosh
Tonight, Hugo was content to just hang out while Daisy more or less fell asleep on top of his head.
Tonight, Hugo was content to just hang out while Daisy more or less fell asleep on top of his head.
We have this plastic tunnel thing that we bring out, from time to time. It’s older, and not something Hugo has really seen before.
Tonight, Liz threw few pellets inside to encourage Hugo to explore. Because Hugo, for all his size and weight, is still something of a scaredy cat.
Daisy has had this kind of fun before, but the “Hay Sampler” is a new experience for Hugo. We opened up this big box, and watched to see what the bunnies would do.
For no good reason, here’s a short video of Daisy and Hugo, chewing on a bit of cardboard.
I tried to be very quiet and slow, for fear of startling her. I got a few quick photos, and then decided to take some video of her just… well, sitting there. And then this happened:
This one is more of a replacement for the constant stream of cardboard structures we’ve made for them. We didn’t want to use another two-story structure, for fear of Daisy’s failing eyesight. Better to keep things low to the ground.
Tonight when we were sitting with the bunnies (a nightly ritual for us, near the end of the evening), Hugo was bopping around some. But Liz and I were laughing at Daisy, who was just sitting still, with this kind of far-off daze on her face. Just totally checked out and indifferent.
I had Liz open the envelope as a surprise, as I don’t think she knew what it was. On seeing it, she immediately burst into tears.
She always bounces back, but it’s hard not to be reminded of how Phineas was, when he started to decline.
Liz and I have a silly saying that we use, whenever we see that Daisy is fast asleep. If we can tell she’s really out sleeping, we’ll say “She’s hard down!”
We had some long overdue bunny maintenance planned today (cleaning Daisy up with some wet wipes, and clipping Hugo’s toenails). For both, Liz and I employed the tried and true “bunny burrito” method.
Got this lovely moment, when both Hugo and Daisy were in the cottage together. This has traditionally been Daisy’s spot, so it was fun to see Hugo also jammed in here with her.
Usually, Hugo is all full of pep and energy. So it was a rare treat to find him taking a nap, and to see him flopped over a bit on his side to boot.
For her office holiday party/event, all of Liz’s coworkers are building gingebread houses. They’re all getting kits to assemble, and are doing a kind of Zoom-based, real-time gingerbread construction (remotely).
In preparation, Liz decided she was going to create some extra details. Translation: bunny rabbits.
It’s nice to see him up and about, as he still seems a little shy and nervous. In the evenings, when we open up their area to give them more room to run/roam… he seems more comfortable. He’s not a bunny I would call adventurous, but he’s seemed a little more so tonight.