Posts Tagged "christmas"

Bob’s Birthday Dinner, Christmas at DePaul

After a few songs, some of the organizers moved everyone back into the vestibule. They needed to clear space for the choir, who would eventually walk down the main aisle, and circle the entire room a few times, before eventually proceeding onto the stage.


The House and the Holidays

Liz did a lot of decorating last week, making our under-construction house feel more in the spirit of things. It’s been amazing how much cozier things feel now, with the slight glow of some holiday lights.


Christmas Dinner in Frankfort

The day after Christmas, Katie and Dan’s family headed over to Frankfort to hang out (and to have a post-Christmas dinner). On arriving, we all ended up congregating and hanging out in the kitchen for a long while.


Christmas Day in Indianapolis and Frankfort

In back, that would be Sebastian putting on his Darth Vader helmet. I wish I had some video/audio to share, because in addition to changing his voice… it also spits out Vader quotes. Which, coming from his short frame, was actually just hilarious.


Christmas Eve in Indianapolis

There is something quintessentially American about being Chinese-American, and ordering out for Chinese food on Christmas eve. Back when my parents used to have a restaurant, this happened all the time. But it still feels like the thing to do, especially around the holidays.


Xmas in Frankfort

It’s been a very relaxing few days with Julie and Bob. Though there has been one day where I’ve been working on my laptop (in the dining room), the rest of the time has been a very comfortable, and slow passing of the hours. We’ve watched a lot of movies (which I always fall asleep to), and have had a lot of good food.


Xmas in Indy, Day 1

Later in the evening, my parents came over and stopped off at (where else) a nearby Chinese restaurant for some take-out. The dining room table was covered with a lot of stuff, so we set up shop at the kids’ table. Is there anything more quintessentially American than Chinese food at Christmastime?