Posts Tagged "christmas"

A Busy and Event-Filled Day

Let’s just say that today, a lot of things went down. There was an incident in the morning involving super glue being mistaken for frosting. And then there was a walk to church that should have been a pleasant stroll with a bit of rain, but the weather turned on us – leaving us pretty wet, both there and on the way back.


Xmas in Georgia, Part 2

One great gift that the Fords got was a Karaoke set. Shortly after it was plugged in, all the kids began taking turns singing songs. As you can probably imagine, it was both awesome and incessant for the remainder of the day:


Christmas Eve and Ten Pounds of Dry Ice

The thing with dry ice is that, through a process known as sublimation, it shifts from a solid to a gas without an intermediate liquid stage.

If you’ve seen it done in science classes, you know the cool “fog effect” that happens when you mix dry ice and water. The present we got Cameron was basically this experiment, but with a slight twist. Luckily for us, Cameron had never experienced dry ice before… so it got to be a cool thing on multiple counts for him.


Christmas Eve in Frankfort

To celebrate Christmas, Liz and I headed down to Frankfort to visit her folks. We went a day early, and ended up spending the night there – spending both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with them.


Early Christmas in Atlanta

As is our annual tradition, we had an early Christmas with the Holder family at their home in Atlanta, GA. Recently, the Fords moved down to Atlanta as well, and are currently staying with the Holders. Needless to say, we had a very full house – which, over the holidays… is the best kind of house.


Oh… Christmas Tree

Liz and I have found ourselves on the eve of some holiday traveling, with our tree still not quite decorated. We’re off to Atlanta for the weekend, and tomorrow sets us on a mini-tour to see a lot of family.


Opening Presents in Frankfort

On waking up, one of the first things I started to do was mess around some more with the camera. Downstairs, looking onto the fantastic dining room table setup. Messing around with the macro settings. Every started to arrive around 10:30, and we all sat down to a pretty fantastic meal (that’s my plate there, on the bottom left). L…


Christmas Day in Frankfort

After departing from Indy around 3PM, we made our way to Frankfort to spend the rest of the weekend with Liz’s folks. It was a quiet evening, as it was just the four of us relaxing in the house. There were a lot of trees set up, the lights were down low, and the entire place was bathed in a…


Christmas Day in Indianapolis

Stacey let Liz and I sleep in a bit, and by the time we got out to the living room… the opening of presents was fully under way. After a while, it was hard to spot the toys underneath all the torn paper. Shane, Stacey and Liz watch on as the kids get more and more excited. Jahnu got a…


Christmas Eve in Indianapolis

Liz and I left for Indianapolis late in the morning (a little later than we intended), but made decent time along I-65. While in the car, Liz was working on some hand-made presents: two knitted dinosaurs. These were gifts that she had started a few weeks ago, and was finishing up the legs and eyes on our trip. I snapped…


Intercom Carols

Tonight, we had carollers visit us! Which was unusual, since we live on the 3rd floor of a very large apartment complex. Around 8PM, our buzzer went off. When I went to go to the intercom, to ask who it was… this is what I heard: I have to admit – I’ve joined groups singing house to house before… but…


Early Christmas in Georgia, Day 3

On our last day in Georgia, it was all about the food. Each year Liz makes a fruitcake for her dad, who’s a huge fan of fruitcakes. While I’m not partial to them myself, I have to clarify that this is not your regular, gross fruitcake that most people pinch their nose at. In addition to the fruit in the…