December 18, 2010
We woke to the sound of Isabelle pushing on our bedroom door, asking if we were awake yet. The kids were up and ready to open gifts, and Liz and I were the last ones still in bed. On walking downstairs to the kitchen, I saw the main course for our lunch resting on the countertop. Let the games begin!…
December 17, 2010
The day after we arrived in Georgia (spending an early Christmas with Liz’s Dad, Anne, Isabelle and Jackson) the house was abuzz with activity. I walked downstairs to see this to-do list posted on the side of the fridge. This is a good list. The Holders were having a small party in the evening, inviting over some friends, neighbors and…
December 14, 2010
We hauled up our Christmas boxes over the weekend, and began decorating the apartment for the holidays. There’s a wreath on the front door, scented candles all over the place and, of course… the tree. Liz, getting pretty festive with the decorating. Quincy, enthralled by both the lights and the tree. Ornament detail. Our tree! Related:Christmas Tree Decoration, 2006Christmas Tree…
December 31, 2009
There was a huge gap in the blog, when Liz and I were travelling around visiting family over the holidays. I’ve been fortunate enough to be on vacation this week, and so I’ve used some of my spare time to go back and post up some photos/videos from Christmas(es) in Atlanta, Indianapolis and Frankfort. Interestingly… as a kid, you always…
December 25, 2009
Amazingly, given the late night we all had last night… everyone slept in on Christmas Day. I figured the kids would be up at the crack of dawn, but it was closer to 11:00 AM before everyone slowly started to rise. I heard some rustling in the hallway, and found Jahnu sitting patiently by the gated-off door between the bedrooms…
December 24, 2009
The first night in Indianapolis, Liz and I worked on cooking a big holiday dinner. For several days prior to this, Liz did a ton of work prepping food, as we had a pretty good spread planned. In the kitchen, Liz and Jasmine prepare the green beans. Nesta is also helping out, keeping everyone’s ankles warm. Dinnertime! To eat, we…
December 23, 2009
Here’s our Christmas tree this year. A few moments before it slowly gets devoured by Quincy. Related:Decorating the Christmas Tree, 2006Decorating the Christmas Tree, 2007Decorating the Christmas Tree, 2008Baxter Nibbles the Christmas Tree
December 20, 2009
One of the staple parts about Christmas day with the Holders is Anne’s monkey bread. When it’s early and you’re still waking up, this paired with a cup of coffee is a little slice of heaven. Napoleon, with a little sad look on his face… but still cute as ever. Gifts spilling out from under the tree. Another shot of…
December 19, 2009
Flying in to Georgia last night took about 3 times longer than necessary. Our flight was delayed for an hour or two, and after our plane finally landed… we were stuck behind three other planes, waiting for a gate. To top things off, a part of Liz’s luggage didn’t show up. And so we killed about an hour waiting around…
December 7, 2008
As has been the tradition, Liz and I got a Christmas tree for the holidays. While we did the tree thing when I was younger, it sort of fell off once my sister and I got older. The tree I grew up with was a plastic one that we’d haul out of the basement each year. With Liz, getting an…
December 23, 2006
Jasmine, Stacey and Shane are heading to see Shane’s family tomorrow, so we decided to have Jasmine open some of her presents a little early this year. Fun time, hanging out and just watching her reaction to each gift. Jasmine, who apparently doesn’t need to learn how to unwrap gifts. This Elmo bean bag game was a HUGE winner. Shane…
December 22, 2006