July 14, 2020
While there are tons of fasciating moments, I find myself most drawn to the early methods of timekeeping: sundials and water clocks in particular.
In grad school, I had to take a course outside of my field of study (I was getting an MFA in Creative Writing/Poetry). The one I picked was “Technology in Greek and Roman Civilization,” and I really wish I could still track down my notes/files from that course.
February 21, 2018
Ever since I heard about the 10,000 year clock, I’ve been fascinated by the sheer scale of the project. A few days ago, I saw an email from The Long Now Foundation, announcing that construction on the clock had begun.
August 13, 2017
Bob and Julie both noted that the robins have left Northern Indiana, a possible sign that we are in for an early Winter. Liz has still seem robins in our area, but with the leaves starting to go… I do wonder how soon until we start seeing colder weather.
January 13, 2017
When I took my items to the counter, I noticed a small mark on the lid of the soup cup. Looking at the design on the lid, it resembled the face of a clock.
October 15, 2016
As I was working, I couldn’t help but notice our neighbor’s tree once again. Where it had just started to change just a few days ago… the shift from green to red now seems to have taken over half the tree.
October 9, 2016
Over the weekend, Liz and I were marveling at the tree in our neighbor’s yard. The day was crisp, the sun was bright, and the leaves in the tree seemed to almost ripple as they slowly turned from green to red.
November 3, 2015
Spotted this on my way in to work. It’s a small, thin beam of sunlight – a perfectly straight line that seemed to mark the time on the building across the street.
March 18, 2013
ThePresent is an unusual clock: it has one arm, a rainbow of colors, and measures time not in seconds… but in seasons. Starting the moment you first turn on the clock, a full rotation will be achieved exactly one year later.
February 28, 2013
Watching this video, I’m reminded of how I felt as a kid when I encountered by first Foucault pendulum: I felt like I could have stood there all day, just to watch time pass by.
May 26, 2010
Qlocktwo, by Biegert & Funk. So slick and awesome… I love this thing. The price tag of €885.00 is… not so awesome. But damn, that’s one sweet clock! [via PSFK]
April 18, 2008
Earlier this week, I was working at my desk and looked up at the little clock in the right hand corner of my screen. It was before noon and while things were a bit busy… I felt like I was working at a pretty decent clip. I went back to some emails, and to some planning notes. I looked up…