Posts Tagged "date night"

Impromptu Martinis

So here we are with our martinis. And a small appetizer of french fries. Granted, they’re made with truffle oil and parsley, so they’re fancy fries? A little high brow, a little low brow – a nice combination for us.


Date Night at Home Depot

It’s come to this. It’s a Friday night, we’re both done with work… and how do we spend it? Walking around Home Depot, looking for light bulbs, a dado stack, and some lumber.


Mipso @ City Winery Chicago

This group is really quite phenomenal. I knew they were good live, but they sounded amazing. While I was happy to hear them in such an intimate setting, I couldn’t help but feel that they deserved to be better known, given how good they are.


Date Night: Drinks at The Aviary

My final drink: Edison Square (warm, pistachio, ancho, caramel, rye, cognac). The way this drink is brought out is really amazing. It’s bottled up, and then when the server opens the top up… smoke just billows out everywhere. Pretty much everyone else in our immediate area stopped what they were doing and watched.