February 28, 2021
So somewhere, somehow, the logic around these emails continues to churn out message after message. And they arrive in my Inbox. But the messages themselves are broken and malformed. And there’s no way for me to stop this process.
The project seems to have been long abandoned, but the rules and logic and infrastructure around the project’s inception seems to continue, unabated.
April 2, 2017
I was tickled to find this spam email in my Inbox the other day. The thing of it is: it’s in German, and likely intended for a different Felix Jung.
February 19, 2015
“This is a small experiment in creating something that feels immersive and real-time, but doesn’t require nor allow any true interaction. I have a theory that people want to feel the emotional texture of having performed influential tasks in a story or game, but mostly don’t want to do the actual work. So: completely passive but it feels like something interactive.”
July 2, 2013
This gem of an email made its way to me, and it was too good not to share. The spelling was, surprisingly, pretty good for a spam email. But the ASCII dog art was really what made this thing special. It’s been a while since I was impressed by ASCII spam.
February 25, 2012
After having been away for a week on vacation, I came back to the office and went about things as usual: logged in, fired up my email (Outlook), browsed the web a bit.
Every so often, I noticed a slight *ding* in the background. It sounded a bit like someone singing, but I pegged it as some kind of annoying popup thing. I’d hear the sound, then go and scan the tabs I had open to see what was causing it.