Posts Tagged "emmis interactive"

Everyone… Meet Bryan

Our little division has been growing by leaps and bounds lately! Not long ago, Jane came on board. And today was Bryan’s first day on the job. Lots of hustle and bustle around the office. Deb’s back in town, and the day was filled with more meetings and such than normal. Looking around today, I’m amazed at the total size…


Everyone… Meet Jane

She’s our newest designer, who started with us last week. Seeing as how I’m including new employee pics, it’s only fair that I include the first day pics I took of Chris, the one I took of Kashif, and the one I took of Mike. And hey, while we’re at it: here’s a link to my first day.


Visiting the new space

Today, we had meeting back in the office, downtown. Keep in mind that up until now, all I’ve seen of the place has been the pictures Phil sent of the construction progress, two months back. Barring that, we’ve all seen nothing of our new office area since we moved out. Got to see a ton of folks again, who I…


Today was Kashif’s first

Today was Kashif’s first day, as he’s helping out part-time with some development work. Despite the fact that we have a smallish area, we were able to find him an empty cube where he could set up shop. Anyone recognize that fancy flower-covered Mac in the background?


Politics in the workplace

Ok.So every week, we get this email. The email consists of a series of articles (for a network-shared section called “Career Channel”), which then have to be manually dumped into our Content Management System. Nothing terribly difficult, but it’s a chore that needs to be done. The articles come in as text files, and we run a few patterns, clean…


New Furniture

Sorry this is blurry as well. I grabbed a shot of Mike on the floor. I found it funny because it looked like he had just moved into a new apartment, and was ordering food. He had to move his desk (read: he was working off of our large meeting table) out of the way so that the furniture people…


Mmmmmmm Breakfast

Near the Blue Line stop, there’s this Chinese restaurant called "Silk Road." I’ve eaten there maybe once for lunch, with Justin. But it seems like they started serving breakfast stuff within the past few years – mainly to folks on their way to work and nearby construction workers. I had an egg and sausage and cheese sandwich, on a croissant….


Work: Day One

A bit hectic today, but I’m guessing almost all the days are going to be like this. :) I got in around 11, as per Justin’s instructions (to give him some time to get settled, and get a few things underway). Due to some red tape, Matt (the other contracted worker) and I both did not have computers. So we…