Posts Tagged "fire"

Fire Eaters, Logan Square

It’s amazing to me how anyone can do this without burning their lips off. I know the goal is to have the flame be a certain distance from your face, but my fear is that the fire would somehow leapfrog back and light my mouth on fire.


Fire Alarm at State and Jackson: Last Ones Out of the Building

A week ago, we had a fire alarm go off at work and everyone evacuated the building. Or, to be a bit more specific, the fire alarm went off on every floor except ours, and by the time we started leaving… everyone else in the building had already evacuated. Derry walked in to the office, saying that he thought he…


DePaul Fire Escape, State and Jackson

I’m not exactly sure what happened, but sometime yesterday afternoon a lot of sirens and firetrucks pulled up on our street at State/Jackson. We usually get a fair amount of sirens downtown, so I initially shrugged things off. But then, a few moments later, I was walking past the windows and noticed a bunch of folks gathered around. When I…