Christiana Lakehouse 2023, Day 4: Indoor and Outdoor Games, Fireworks on the Lake

While I’ve gotten to see the fireworks from land before, tonight was the first time I got to be on the boat.
While I’ve gotten to see the fireworks from land before, tonight was the first time I got to be on the boat.
YouTube user jcltay has a nice video clip, showcasing the NYE fireworks display at Docklands, Melbourne in reverse. It’s got a slow, mesmerizing quality to it, that’s surprisingly satisfying to watch. A bit like watching the sky clean up after itself.
No fireworks or anything for us this year, so instead… let me point you back to a few days gone by, where I was closer to explosions and things that go *boom*:
For the 4th of July, Liz and I headed down to Frankfort and spent the evening there. After an incredibly filling dinner, we all headed out to the nearby school to watch the local fireworks display. It was pretty dark when we set out, kids and chairs and blankets in tow. While the rest of the town was on the…
Sadly this year, no fireworks were purchased, no attempts were made to blow up watermelons. Instead, Liz and I hung out on her back porch a bit, and watched the fireworks from the neighborhood, against the backdrop of the Chicago skyline. I was pretty amazed by both the quality and quantity of what we saw. I guess I’ve never really…