Posts Tagged "flash video"
Happy Anniversary to Us!
To celebrate our one-year anniversary, Liz and I got all fancied up and went out to a place called Geja’s. It’s a fondue place, which is something she’s been wanting to try for a while. Walking down to the entrance. Quick peek around the interior. A lot of my shots are like this, as the light was super low and…
Now you are family
More patterns, more finding and replacing. I know talking about this is nerdy, but I’m going to one-up myself here: video! The script that’s running is the one Justin wrote for me (it copies the first instance of DATE and re-inserts it before any subsequent entries). I did a bit of a tweak to it, and got it to run…
Mychael Knight, Starbucks, and the art of subtle indoctrination
Over the weekend, Sandra sent out an email to all of us regarding Starbucks’ latest promotion: the Starbucks t-shirt. Billed as part of their “Customization Promotion,” this promotion features Mychael Knight (of Project Runway fame) at the forefront. Knight has created a variety of designs, which users can then mix and match, creating their own custom shirts. According to their…
Sleep Study, Northwestern
Tonight, I showed up for my Sleep Study with Northwestern. Oddly, they scheduled me to appear at the nearby Raddison hotel. Turns out, they have an entire floor of the hotel dedicated to sleep studies (multiple rooms, no less). Crazy. In the waiting area, I met a few other folks who were also slated to do sleep studies. Because the…
Valentine’s Day Dinner
I went over to Liz’s for a nice dinner at home. Walking in, the candles were set and the lights were low. Her place has a lot of spots for neat candle placement. It definitely changes the feel of her apartment. Ah, dinner! Cornish hen that Liz prepared, along with some mashed potatoes, broccoli and wine. Tell me I didn’t…
Snow Angels
Ever since Allison’s arrival to the Windy City, she’s been looking forward to a proper Chicago winter. Specifically, playing in the snow that accompanies a proper Chicago winter. Today during work, she and Ben were heading out into the storm snow to play. And hearing that this would be Allison’s first ever snow angel? Well, how could I not go…
Chicago Auto Show
So I’m interested in getting a new car. I’ve never purchased a new car before (always had one that’s been in the family), so this is all a huge new world to me. The Chicago Auto Show is something that Liz has always liked to do (she’s a fan of cars), and so it seemed like a perfect event for…
New Space!
So it’s official. Papers were reviewed by lawyers, plans were drawn up, papers were signed. We’re moving. Again. Time sure zooms by. It seems like we just moved out of our old space and just moved into our current digs. And now, come April (if we’re lucky), we’ll be moving yet again over to a new location at State and…
Good. Better. Best. Bested.
I finally bought a copy of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? today, one of my favorite movies ever. I can’t remember when I first stumbled across the film – college sometime, possibly when I was working at the Monroe County Public Library. I always used to wonder why everyone always made a big fuss about Elizabeth Taylor. Then, when I…
Darryl’s Birthday
After work today, Liz and I hopped in my car and headed out to Indiana (to Katie and Dan’s house), where a bunch of her family were gathering to celebrate Darryl’s birthday. After battling the regular outbound Friday traffic, we arrived after about an hour of traffic or so. On walking in, the first thing I see is Dan’s *monstrous*…
A few day back, I saw a great post on Ektopia. This is as cool as it is simple: Abstractor. I’ve seen other, similar TV-based projects on Ektopia before (Groovetube and TV-Filter), but this one is as cheap and as simple as it gets. Tonight, Liz and I decided to give it a go using a big piece of paper…
Just Like Pong, But With More Whammy Bars
Apple Pie and Fancy Gadgetry
Liz decided to try her hand at apple pie tonight, and made use of a few gifts that she’s gotten during the process. I took some video of the apple-peeler and the whipped cream maker in action. Does this look familiar? If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.