Posts Tagged "front yard"

A Surprise Bug

At some point while we were away in Georgia, someone painted and placed this lovely, yellow ladybug stone by our birdbath. We didn’t see it at first, but there it was… resting on a brick, in our front yard.


Late Night Bunny

Liz and I were walking home from the grocery store, she grabbed my arm suddenly. She whispered to me that there was a bunny near our front yard, but I couldn’t see him at all.


Flowering Clematis

In our front porch, there’s an Autumn Clematis that’s gotten… pretty sizable. It started small, but has gradually grown bigger each year… and by the time Fall rolls around, it tends to take over the porch railing.


Front Yard, Brick Work and Mulch

A funny story: we moved the fountain to the driveway, so I could clean it and so Liz could reposition the bricks. Several times throughout the day, we watched birds swoop to th emiddle of our front yard, only to pull up suddenly and fly away.

It was clear they were looking for water, and suddenly seeing us and a missing fountain, did an aerial U-turn. It happened so many times, Liz and I recognized the pattern. It was really funny to see.


Evening Bunny

When I got near the front yard, I paused… and saw this guy also paused. Somewhat looking over his shoulder at me, warily.

I felt like I was blocking his access to the backyard, and tried to make a wide berth. He seemed like he was waiting for me to move away a little.


A Crappy Discovery

This wasn’t the parkway, which seems to be a more “public” area. This was my front yard. They literally walked a solid ten feet from the sidewalk into the yard, did the thing, and left. And this was, by the evidence, not a small dog.


Front Yard Work

I got to break up the monotony a bit, by helping move bags of mulch up front. While I didn’t have much to show, our front yard looks great again.


A Day of Errands, a Day Outside

Back home, we finally set the chicken in the front yard. Prior to that though, Liz added a small Tile tracker, out of concern that someone else might come along and love the chicken as much as she does… and deem it worthy of theft.


A Dreary, Productive Day Outside

The whole time we were outside, the sky looked like it was going to start pouring rain. Luckily for us, the weather reports held true and we were able to work without a drop. The dark skies did add a little urgency while we worked though, as it felt like we were always racing the rain.


Basement Work, Yard Work

Bob and Julie came by over the weekend, and spent a long Sunday afternoon helping us work on the house. While Julie and Liz were outside working on the yard, I was down in the basement with Bob.